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Varrock armour 2 detail

Varrock armour 2 is the reward for completion of the Medium Varrock achievements. Reldo upgrades the player's Varrock armour 1 by attaching further metal plates to it when brought to him. If lost, Reldo will give the player a replacement.

Combat Stats
Medium task set equipped (male)Medium task set equipped (female)
CombatSwords HybridTorso slotDefenceArmour87
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 1.2%
Style-Style bonuses


Reward When worn Operate At all times
Varrock armour 1 Varrock armour 1
  • Chance of smelting two bars at once in Edgeville furnace, up to and including steel (level 30) (does not give extra bars; rings of forging uses 1 charge when it activates)
  • Chance of mining two ores at once, up to and including coal (level 30)
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is greatly increased
  • Grants 1% bonus Mining experience; does not contribute to the golden mining suit's set bonus
Varrock armour 2 Varrock armour 2
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including adamant (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing, and saves 1.2 seconds when it happens.
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is further increased
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (32 total)
Varrock armour 3 Varrock armour 3
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Naff sells an additional 32 battlestaves (64 total)
  • The Cooks' Guild can be entered without a chef's hat or cooking cape
  • The Cook's Guild bank area can now be accessed
  • Bork's charm and gem drops are doubled
  • Bork now gives 3,000 Slayer experience when killed; further increased to 8,000 after The Mighty Fall
Varrock armour 4 Varrock armour 4
  • 5 free bolt enchantments per day, for ruby bolts and below
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including runite (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing.
  • Once per day, teleport to Bork's lair
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (80 total)
  • Access to the log storage boxes near the beacons
  • Ability to toggle Varrock Teleport to arrive at the Saradomin altar in north-eastern Varrock by talking to any of the Varrock task NPCs; also affects tablets and Varrock portals
  • The price of moving and redecorating your house is halved
  • Reduced chance of being randomly teleported within the Chaos Tunnels
Zemouregal rejuvenated chathead New Varrock Tasks Easy
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to mine double ore
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to smelt double ore
  • Varrock armour 3 and 4 have an increased chance to smith faster
  • The smelting benefit of all levels of Varrock armour now works at almost any furnace
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  • When smithing at a faster rate, the player will smith using the old animation.
  • Before the Personalised Shops update, this armour gave better prices in stores throughout Varrock. This was replaced with the benefits affecting the skull sceptre.
  • One of the figures on the old emote interface appeared to be wearing Varrock armour 2 or something similar, even though the armour was introduced after he was.
  • If you mine an ore without wearing your Varrock armour, you will get the message, "If you were wearing your Varrock armour you could have gained an extra ore."

See also[]
