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Varrock armour 4 detail

Varrock armour 4 is hybrid body armour and a reward given to players upon completion of the Elite Varrock achievements by Vannaka.

Combat Stats
Elite task set equipped (male)Elite task set equipped (female)
Elite Varrock task completion60
CombatSwords HybridTorso slotDefenceArmour168
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 1.8%
Style-Style bonuses


Reward When worn Operate At all times
Varrock armour 1 Varrock armour 1
  • Chance of smelting two bars at once in Edgeville furnace, up to and including steel (level 30) (does not give extra bars; rings of forging uses 1 charge when it activates)
  • Chance of mining two ores at once, up to and including coal (level 30)
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is greatly increased
  • Grants 1% bonus Mining experience; does not contribute to the golden mining suit's set bonus
Varrock armour 2 Varrock armour 2
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including mithril (level 55)
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including adamant (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing, and saves 1.2 seconds when it happens.
  • The drop chance of skull sceptre parts is further increased
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (32 total)
Varrock armour 3 Varrock armour 3
  • Double smelting chance now applies to bars up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Double mining chance now applies to ore up to and including adamant (level 70)
  • Naff sells an additional 32 battlestaves (64 total)
  • The Cooks' Guild can be entered without a chef's hat or cooking cape
  • The Cook's Guild bank area can now be accessed
  • Bork's charm and gem drops are doubled
  • Bork now gives 3,000 Slayer experience when killed; further increased to 8,000 after The Mighty Fall
Varrock armour 4 Varrock armour 4
  • 5 free bolt enchantments per day, for ruby bolts and below
  • Chance of smithing an item faster, applying to bars up to and including runite (approximately 10% chance). This effect also works for Artisan's workshop burial armour and track smithing.
  • Once per day, teleport to Bork's lair
  • Naff sells an additional 16 battlestaves (80 total)
  • Access to the log storage boxes near the beacons
  • Ability to toggle Varrock Teleport to arrive at the Saradomin altar in north-eastern Varrock by talking to any of the Varrock task NPCs; also affects tablets and Varrock portals
  • The price of moving and redecorating your house is halved
  • Reduced chance of being randomly teleported within the Chaos Tunnels
Zemouregal rejuvenated chathead New Varrock Tasks Easy
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to mine double ore
  • All levels of Varrock armour have an increased chance to smelt double ore
  • Varrock armour 3 and 4 have an increased chance to smith faster
  • The smelting benefit of all levels of Varrock armour now works at almost any furnace
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