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Veteran hood (5 year) detail
Veteran hood chathead

The veteran hood is a hood that can be bought from Hans if players have had an account for 5 years or longer. The hood is obtained free at the same time as players buy the cape, and unlike the cape, the hood will appear under a player's gravestone.

History and development[]

GC Veteran Cape

The options for the guaranteed poll.

The idea for the cape was first revealed in a guaranteed content poll in which free-players and members alike could vote on designs for the cape[1]. The design of the cape was divided into five categories: hood design, collar shape, collar pattern, back symbol, and cape pattern. One month after the closing of the poll, the veteran cape was once again mentioned in the May edition of Behind the Scenes, a monthly news release which outlines a tentative schedule for updates which Jagex plans to release that month[2]. One day after the release of the Behind the Scenes post, the cape was introduced into the game, bearing the winning design as voted for by players[3].

Combat Stats
RequirementsVeteran cape equipped front
NoneHead slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

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  • Turael's hood is the same design as the veteran hood; albeit different colours.


  1. ^ Mod Emilee. "Guaranteed Content Poll: Veteran Cape Design Result." 1 April 2011. RuneScape News.
  2. ^ Mod Mark. "Behind the Scenes – May." 2 May 2011. RuneScape News.
  3. ^ Mod Chris L. "Capes of Distinction." 3 May 2011. RuneScape News.