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Void Knight commendation points are rewards from Pest Control, Conquest and from the quest A Void Dance in the form of a certificate. They can be traded in for a variety of things, including combat experience, Void knight equipment and various other items. Players cannot have more than 1000 points at a time.


  • Experience in any combat skill besides Summoning that is equal to or greater than level 25. The formula is the following: , where equals level; equals approximately 5.195 for magic and range, approximately 19.23 for summoning and prayer, and 5 for all others. The experience is always rounded down to a whole number.
  • When turning in points for experience, spending points in groups of 10 grants a 1% bonus to the amount of experience you gain. When spending in groups of 100, the bonus increases to 10%.
  • This reward is unavailable in Ironman Mode.

Void Knight equipment[]

Item Cost Description

Void knight mace

Void knight mace 250 Acts as a wand with 668 accuracy.

Not required for the Void set effect.

Void knight top

Void knight top 250 Required for the Void set effect.
Elite void knight top (justiciar) Elite void knight top 100 (plus regular void knight top) Upgraded version of regular void knight top. Must have completed The Void Stares Back to buy from Tyr.

Void knight robe

Void knight robe 250 Required for the Void set effect.
Elite void knight robe (justiciar) Elite void knight robe 100 (plus regular void knight robe) Upgraded version of regular void knight robe. Must have completed The Void Stares Back to buy from Tyr.

Void knight gloves

Void knight gloves 150 Required for the Void set effect.

Void knight melee helm

Void knight melee helm 200 Void set effect of +3% Melee accuracy and +5% melee damage (with Void set effect).

Void knight mage helm

Void knight mage helm 200 Void set effect of +3% magic accuracy and +5% magic damage (with Void set effect).

Void knight ranger helm

Void knight ranger helm 200 Void set effect +3% ranged accuracy and +5% ranged damage (with Void set effect).
Void knight deflector Void knight deflector 150 Acts as replacement of another piece of the Void Knight equipment.
Jessika's sword Jessika's sword 350 Off-hand level 75 sword Void Knight equipment. Best non-degradable off-hand melee weapon.

Void knight seal (8)

Void seal 10 Worn in the amulet slot.

Operate in a Pest Control game to inflict damage to surrounding pests, using one charge.*

  • The Void Knight Seal ability cannot be used outside of Pest Control.
  • Damage inflicted by a seal does not count toward the 5000 damage requirement in Pest Control games.

Teleport to the Void Knights' Outpost, using one charge.

This amulet has 8 charges and crumbles to dust when depleted.

  • There is a requirement of 42 Attack, Strength, Constitution, Ranged, Defence and Magic, as well as 22 Prayer to use any Void item.
  • A complete set of void equipment (all armour, helms, seal, mace, and deflector) costs 1660 points.
  • A complete set of Void items with elite equipment costs 1860 points.
    • An elite top is awarded for free upon completing the quest The Void Stares Back, reducing the cost by as much as 350 points.
  • A set of Void armour with one special helm costs 850 points.
  • A set of elite Void armour with one special helm costs 1050 points.

Herb pack[]

Clean guam Pack contains an assortment of grimy herbs. For example, a pack may contain: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr, 1 Toadflax, 3 Irit, 4 Avantoe and 2 Kwuarm.

Costs 30 Points (Approximate value: 61,072 coins, 2,035.7 coins per point) The amounts are randomized. This is just an average.

Requires level 25 Herblore to purchase.

Mineral pack[]

Coal Pack commonly contains 25 Coal, 18 Iron ore.

Costs 15 points (Approximate value: 10,882 coins, 725.5 coins per point)

Seed pack[]

Marigold seed 5 Pack commonly contains 3 sweetcorn seeds, 6 tomato seeds, and 2 limpwurt seeds. It may rarely include Magic and Yew seeds.

Costs 15 points (Approximate value: 12,532 coins, 835.5 coins per point)

Requires level 25 farming to purchase.

Void knight armour patch[]

Void knight armour patch A Void knight armour patch can be used on any piece of Void Knight armour to upgrade its stats by 10 levels.

Costs 200 points


All charms cost 2 points each and can be purchased in amounts of 1, 14, or 28 (costing 2, 28, and 56 points respectively).

  • Ravager charm Ravager charms (Approximate value: 9,045 coins, 4,522.5 coins per point)
  • Shifter charm Shifter charms (Approximate value: 3,406 coins, 1,703 coins per point)
  • Spinner charm Spinner charms (Approximate value: 8,128 coins, 4,064 coins per point)
  • Torcher charm Torcher charms (Approximate value: 4,526 coins, 2,263 coins per point)

Approximated values do not include an estimated cost of green or blue charms.


  • On 15 September 2014 the experience received for trading commendation points was increased.
  • Upon attempting to enter a game in which the reward will put you above the maximum allowed points, you'll receive a confirmations dialogue stating you won't be rewarded the full amount. For example, if you attempt to enter the veteran lander with 997 points, you'll receive the dialogue and winning will only reward 3 points, putting you at the maximum of 1000 commendations.