A vyre corpse is the body of a slain Vyrewatch, Vyrelord, or Vyrelady. These monsters can only be killed with the Ivandis flail, blisterwood weapons, or the Sunspear. However, kills with the Sunspear do not produce a vyre corpse. Instead, the Sunspear cremates the corpse, which produces Prayer and Firemaking experience and does not count towards your total count of cremated vyre corpses. The player character notes that the corpse feels and weighs like wood. Vyre corpses stack in both the inventory and bank so players will find they can stay longer while killing them as their inventory does not fill up with individual corpses.
Columbarium Cremation[]
During and after the Legacy of Seergaze quest, Vyre corpses can be cremated with teak pyre logs or better in the Columbarium below the Paterdomus. One corpse must be cremated during the Legacy of Seergaze quest. When a corpse is cremated, a Spectral vyrewatch will rise from the pyre, and the player will receive 79 prayer experience (+50% if wearing Morytania legs 4) and Firemaking experience based on what type of pyre log was used. The higher the logs used, the higher the experience returned. Additionally, using magic pyre logs or elder pyre logs will yield a shiny columbarium key, which has an increased chance of getting better items when opening coffins.
Cremating vyre corpses after the quest allows the player to acquire Columbarium keys which unlock wooden alcoves in the Columbarium. These alcoves contain rewards, including some that are otherwise only obtainable through Treasure Trails.
The spectral vyrewatch does not attack you, it merely appears briefly then leaves, dropping a key on the pedestal near the cremation table.
A vyre corpse is cremated by first placing the pyre log on one of the pyre platforms, then placing a corpse on the log, and finally using a tinderbox to light the pyre. Only one cremation can be administered to at a time. However, a new cremation can be set up as soon as the previous one is lit, even before the spectral vyrewatch appears. A quick way to cremate several corpses is thus:
- Stand in the crux between two funeral pyres.
- Prepare one funeral pyre by clicking on it twice (to add logs and a corpse onto the funeral pyre).
- Click once more to light the prepared funeral pyre.
- As soon as the prepared funeral pyre is lit (the second that you can see the spectral vyrewatch begin to leave the corpse), prepare and light the adjacent funeral pyre.
- Repeat steps 2-4 until all corpses are cremated.
- Collect the columbarium keys off both pedestals.
By the time the player begins to light the second funeral pyre, the first funeral pyre will have run its course and will have spawned a columbarium key on the pedestal relative to it. This method can as much as double the speed with which the player cremates corpses.
While not collecting the columbarium keys until you've cremated a full load of corpses can be most expedient, a key will despawn after 3 minutes if not picked up.
A good way to not lose any keys and still cremate at a decent speed with a War tortoise beast of burden is to light all logs in your inventory, withdraw your burden once, use up all but one log then pick up the keys and continue until no logs are left. With this method you do about half at a time and can collect all keys without them despawning on you. If using a War tortoise and you try to do them all without picking up the keys, you will lose 4-5 keys.
For every 50 vyre corpses that are cremated the player becomes more 'experienced' with all variants of the Sunspear as well as the Ivandis flail, blisterwood staff, polearm and stake. The Ivandis flail receives an invisible Attack, Strength and Defence bonus and the Blisterwood weapons receive Damage bonus against Vyrewatch. After cremating 500 corpses, the player receives the maximum possible boost for the flail, with +50 to Attack, Strength, and Defence; and the maximum possible boost for the Blisterwood weapons, with +100 to Damage. Achieving the maximum boosts for the Ivandis Flail and the blisterwood weapons is a requirement for the master quest cape and the trimmed completionist cape.
You can check your progress in three ways. At the southern end of the columbarium, by searching the lectern for a list of name. The number of names crossed off is the number of cremated corpses. Alternately, the flail has a 'check' option that states the number of cremated corpses. And finally by entering the quick chat search and typing "vyre". It will bring up the only matching quick chat of "I have cremated ... vyre corpses". when this appears in chat the count number will be filled in.
Experience tables[]
Burning corpses gives both Firemaking and Prayer experience, in addition to giving a columbarium key. Note that only pyre logs of teak or higher quality may be used to cremate vyre corpses.
Pyre Log | Firemaking | Remains that can be cremated* | Cost of pyre log |
Cost per XP* | |
Level | Experience* | ||||
Pyre logs | 5 | 50 | Loar, Phrin | 3,821 | 76.42 |
Oak pyre logs | 20 | 70 | Loar, Phrin | 3,296 | 47.09 |
Willow pyre logs | 35 | 100 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl | 3,361 | 33.61 |
Teak pyre logs | 40 | 120 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre | 14,410 | 120.08 |
Arctic pyre logs | 47 | 158 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre | 9,395 | 59.46 |
Maple pyre logs | 50 | 175 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre | 10,511 | 60.06 |
Mahogany pyre logs | 55 | 210 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre | 9,757 | 46.46 |
Eucalyptus pyre logs | 63 | 246.5 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre, Asyn | 10,888 | 44.17 |
Yew pyre logs | 65 | 255 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre, Asyn | 14,177 | 55.6 |
Magic pyre logs | 80 | 404.5 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre, Asyn, Fiyr | 16,565 | 40.95 |
Elder pyre logs | 95 | 450 | Loar, Phrin, Riyl, Vyre, Asyn, Fiyr, Tortured soul | 20,633 | 45.85 |
- Wearing All Fired Up set pieces will increase Firemaking experience.
- Vyre corpses can only be cremated at the Columbarium, while all other remains are cremated at the pyres within Mort'ton.
Pyre Log | Prayer Experience* |
Cost of pyre log |
Cost per XP* |
Teak pyre logs | 78.7 | 14,410 | 183.1 |
Arctic pyre logs | 78.9 | 9,395 | 119.07 |
Maple pyre logs | 79 | 10,511 | 133.05 |
Mahogany pyre logs | 79.3 | 9,757 | 123.04 |
Eucalyptus pyre logs | 79.4 | 10,888 | 137.13 |
Yew pyre logs | 79.5 | 14,177 | 178.33 |
Magic pyre logs | 80 | 16,565 | 207.06 |
Elder pyre logs | 20,633 |
- Note: Wearing pieces of the First age outfit will increase Prayer experience gained.
Columbarium key rewards[]
No charm | ||||
78–79% | 7–8% | 5% | 3–4% | 5–6% |
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 8,714 kills. 1 charm is dropped at a time. Add data to the log (requires JavaScript). |
Note: charms are a second reward, obtained with other items
God armour[]
God pages[]
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Saradomin page 1 | 1 | Rare | 228,564 | |
Saradomin page 2 | 1 | Rare | 197,252 | |
Saradomin page 3 | 1 | Rare | 199,307 | |
Saradomin page 4 | 1 | Rare | 205,213 | |
Guthix page 1 | 1 | Rare | 148,992 | |
Guthix page 2 | 1 | Rare | 131,790 | |
Guthix page 3 | 1 | Rare | 135,397 | |
Guthix page 4 | 1 | Rare | 129,700 | |
Zamorak page 1 | 1 | Rare | 87,583 | |
Zamorak page 2 | 1 | Rare | 83,147 | |
Zamorak page 3 | 1 | Rare | 80,587 | |
Zamorak page 4 | 1 | Rare | 80,711 | |
Armadyl page 1 | 1 | Rare | 649,421 | |
Armadyl page 2 | 1 | Rare | 601,904 | |
Armadyl page 3 | 1 | Rare | 600,266 | |
Armadyl page 4 | 1 | Rare | 598,743 | |
Bandos page 1 | 1 | Rare | 75,103 | |
Bandos page 2 | 1 | Rare | 69,154 | |
Bandos page 3 | 1 | Rare | 68,049 | |
Bandos page 4 | 1 | Rare | 71,125 | |
Ancient page 1 | 1 | Rare | 34,251 | |
Ancient page 2 | 1 | Rare | 31,825 | |
Ancient page 3 | 1 | Rare | 30,869 | |
Ancient page 4 | 1 | Rare | 31,969 |
Weapons and armour[]
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Earth rune | 62–123 | Common | 1,116–2,214 | |
Chaos rune | 7–19 | Common | 1,064–2,888 | |
Death rune | 8–15 | Common | 1,856–3,480 | |
Blood rune | 7–13 | Common | 4,746–8,814 | |
Nature rune | 8–15 | Common | 3,240–6,075 | |
Law rune | 7–13 | Common | 3,990–7,410 |
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Grimy harralander | 2 (noted) | Common | 1,482 | |
Grimy ranarr | 2 (noted) | Common | 3,720 | |
Grimy toadflax | 2 (noted) | Common | 22,500 | |
Grimy irit | 2 (noted) | Common | 10,016 | |
Grimy avantoe | 2 (noted) | Common | 2,086 | |
Grimy kwuarm | 2 (noted) | Common | 23,564 | |
Grimy snapdragon | 2 (noted) | Common | 3,578 | |
Grimy cadantine | 2 (noted) | Common | 8,644 | |
Grimy lantadyme | 2 (noted) | Common | 15,102 | |
Grimy dwarf weed | 2 (noted) | Common | 16,952 | |
Grimy torstol | 2 (noted) | Uncommon | 10,778 |
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Limpwurt seed | 1 | Common | 5,207 | |
Cactus seed | 1 | Common | 1,016 | |
Irit seed | 1 | Common | 1,018 | |
Kwuarm seed | 1 | Uncommon | 12,857 | |
Snapdragon seed | 1 | Uncommon | 293 | |
Lantadyme seed | 1 | Uncommon | 726 | |
Dwarf weed seed | 1 | Uncommon | 822 |
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Coins | 875–1,725 | Uncommon | 875–1,725 | |
Adamantite ore | 1 | Common | 227 | |
Gold bar | 7–13 (noted) | Common | 8,176–15,184 | |
Rune bar | 1 | Uncommon | 2,985 | |
Nature talisman | 1 | Uncommon | 1,473 | |
Fetch casket scroll | 11 | Rare | 123,563 | |
Blood talisman[1] | 1 | Common | 5,204 |
- ^ One will always be obtained during the quest
Rare drop table drops[]
Show/hide rare drop table | ||||
Item | Quantity | Rarity | GE price | |
Coins | 250–500 | Common | 250–500 | |
Uncut sapphire | 1 | Common | 809 | |
Uncut emerald | 1 | Common | 2,555 | |
Uncut ruby | 1 | Common | 1,842 | |
Uncut diamond | 1 | Common | 4,843 | |
Uncut diamond | 45–55 (noted) | Rare | 217,935–266,365 | |
Loop half of a key | 1 | Common | 11,053 | |
Tooth half of a key | 1 | Common | 11,538 | |
Uncut dragonstone | 1 | Uncommon | 12,077 | |
Uncut dragonstone | 45–55 (noted) | Rare | 543,465–664,235 | |
Dragon longsword | 1 | Common | 56,212 | |
Dragon spear | 1 | Rare | 35,861 | |
Battlestaff | 180–220 (noted) | Rare | 542,160–662,640 | |
Rune javelin | 5 | Rare | 905 | |
Rune platebody | 1 | Uncommon | 37,480 | |
Rune platebody | 15–25 (noted) | Rare | 562,200–937,000 | |
Shield left half | 1 | Rare | 64,399 | |
Dragon helm | 1 | Uncommon | 58,601 | |
Rune arrowheads | 113–137 | Common | 14,916–18,084 | |
Onyx bolts | 135–165 | Very rare | 1,003,725–1,226,775 | |
Chaos talisman | 1 | Rare | 1,923 | |
Nature talisman | 1 | Rare | 1,473 | |
Water talisman | 65–82 (noted) | Rare | 164,320–207,296 | |
Earth talisman | 65–82 (noted) | Rare | 12,025–15,170 | |
Fire talisman | 25–35 (noted) | Rare | 5,225–7,315 | |
Raw lobster | 135–165 (noted) | Common | 47,655–58,245 | |
Raw shark | 225–275 (noted) | Uncommon | 321,075–392,425 | |
Big bones | 68–82 (noted) | Uncommon | 13,804–16,646 | |
Dragon bones | 180–220 (noted) | Rare | 384,480–469,920 | |
Coal | 200–1,100 (noted) | Uncommon | 22,400–123,200 | |
Gold ore | 90–110 (noted) | Common | 52,830–64,570 | |
Adamantite ore | 180–220 (noted) | Uncommon | 40,860–49,940 | |
Adamant bar | 14–16 (noted) | Common | 24,654–28,176 | |
Adamant bar | 135–165 (noted) | Rare | 237,735–290,565 | |
Runite ore | 90–110 (noted) | Rare | 127,710–156,090 | |
Rune bar | 3 (noted) | Common | 8,955 | |
Rune bar | 45–55 (noted) | Rare | 134,325–164,175 | |
Grimy torstol | 90–110 (noted) | Uncommon | 485,010–592,790 | |
Grimy snapdragon | 90–110 (noted) | Uncommon | 161,010–196,790 | |
Super restore (4) | 45–55 (noted) | Uncommon | 125,910–153,890 | |
Prayer potion (4) | 45–55 (noted) | Uncommon | 130,950–160,050 | |
Lantadyme seed | 14–16 | Uncommon | 10,164–11,616 | |
Dwarf weed seed | 14–16 | Uncommon | 11,508–13,152 | |
Magic seed | 4 | Uncommon | 209,856 | |
Palm tree seed | 10 | Rare | 396,000 | |
Flax | 450–550 (noted) | Common | 43,200–52,800 | |
Molten glass | 45–55 (noted) | Common | 27,585–33,715 | |
Soft clay | 450–550 (noted) | Uncommon | 188,550–230,450 | |
Yew logs | 68–82 (noted) | Uncommon | 11,356–13,694 | |
Yew logs | 675–825 (noted) | Rare | 112,725–137,775 | |
Teak plank | 45–55 (noted) | Uncommon | 16,740–20,460 | |
Mahogany plank | 270–330 (noted) | Rare | 356,670–435,930 | |
Blurberry Special | 1 | Uncommon | 12,008 | |
Vecna skull | 1 | Very rare* | 124,871 | |
Hazelmere's signet ring | 1 | Very rare* | 1,432,268,388 | |
Brawling gloves (Melee) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Magic) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Ranged) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Agility) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Cooking) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (FM) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Fishing) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Hunter) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Mining) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Prayer) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Smithing) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (Thieving) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Brawling gloves (WC) | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Crystal triskelion fragment 1 | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Crystal triskelion fragment 2 | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | |
Crystal triskelion fragment 3 | 1 | Very rare | Not sold |
Drop sources[]
- This list was created dynamically. For help, see the FAQ.
- To force an update of this list, click here.
- For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source | Combat level | Quantity | Rarity |
Vyrelady | 98 | 1 | Always |
Vyrelord | 98 | 1 | Always |
Vyrewatch | 49; 70; 72; 75; 78; 86; 91; 97 | 1 | Always |
Vyrewatch (River of Blood) | 70 | 1 | Always |
Disassembly XP | 1.2 |
Item quantity required | 1 |
Material count | 1 |
Base junk chance | 56.0% |
Possible materials | |
Often | |
Organic parts | 98% |
Rarely | |
Pious components | 2% |
- As of the Temple Trek update on 17 August 2011, Vyrewatch drop up to 17 different corpses with each one having their own stack in a bank. The dropped corpse does not depend on the level of the Vyrewatch killed. Despite this, all of the Vyrewatch in the Temple Trekking and Burgh de Rott Ramble activities drop the same type of corpse, distinct from the types dropped in Burgh de Rott and Meiyerditch. The type of corpse did not affect the rewards for cremation as they all gave identical Columbarium keys which stacked in a single pile when banked.
- This was changed in an update on 17 June 2013, which made it so each variant of Vyre corpse would change to a single corpse type when picked up (rather than the previous 17) so they stack in a single pile in the bank. Any other corpse variants stored in the bank before the update would also change to the single type when dropped and picked up again.
- However, in some rare cases, a second type of vyre corpse can exist. It is not known if these corpses can be obtained, or were only created during the update. In any case, removing them from the bank and putting it back in will not change the corpse to the normal kind.
- The reference to the Vyre corpse weighing the same as wood is likely a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which witches, being burned at the stake, were reasoned by Sir Bedivere to be thusly made of wood. Furthermore, in the same sketch, the sole purpose of witches was said to be for burning, and the sole purpose of Vyre corpses in RuneScape is for burning.