All Life points: 2,500
Life points1: 2,500
All Life points: 2,600
Life points2: 2,600
All Life points: 2,700
Life points3: 2,700
All Life points: 2,800
Life points4: 2,800
All Life points: 10,000
Life points5: 10,000
All Life points: 10,560
Life points6: 10,560
All Life points: 3,500
Life points7: 3,500
All Life points: 6,500
Life points8: 6,500
All Life points: 6,000
Life points9: 6,000
All Life points: 8,120
Life points10: 8,120
All Life points: 8,450
Life points11: 8,450
All Life points: 8,770
Life points12: 8,770
All Life points: 9,100
Life points13: 9,100
All Slayer experience: 43.2
Slayer experience1: 43.2
All Slayer experience: 47.4
Slayer experience2: 47.4
All Slayer experience: 52.2
Slayer experience3: 52.2
All Slayer experience: 57.6
Slayer experience4: 57.6
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience5: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: 89.4
Slayer experience6: 89.4
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience7: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience8: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience9: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience10: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience11: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience12: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Slayer experience: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
Slayer experience13: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 166.8
Combat experience1: 166.8
All Combat experience: 183
Combat experience2: 183
All Combat experience: 201.3
Combat experience3: 201.3
All Combat experience: 221.7
Combat experience4: 221.7
All Combat experience: 594.6
Combat experience5: 594.6
All Combat experience: 688.8
Combat experience6: 688.8
All Combat experience: 124.6
Combat experience7: 124.6
All Combat experience: 516.6
Combat experience8: 516.6
All Combat experience: 440.7
Combat experience9: 440.7
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience10: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience11: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience12: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience13: 0
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date1: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date2: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date3: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date4: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 31 August 2011
Release date5: 31 August 2011
All Release date: 31 August 2011
Release date6: 31 August 2011
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date7: 28 March 2006
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date8: 28 March 2006
All Release date: 28 March 2006
Release date9: 28 March 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date10: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date11: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date12: 4 September 2006
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date13: 4 September 2006
All Combat level: 70
Combat level1: 70
All Combat level: 72
Combat level2: 72
All Combat level: 75
Combat level3: 75
All Combat level: 78
Combat level4: 78
All Combat level: 86
Combat level5: 86
All Combat level: 91
Combat level6: 91
All Combat level: 49
Combat level7: 49
All Combat level: 91
Combat level8: 91
All Combat level: 97
Combat level9: 97
All Combat level: 70
Combat level10: 70
All Combat level: 72
Combat level11: 72
All Combat level: 75
Combat level12: 75
All Combat level: 78
Combat level13: 78
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 4837
NPC ID1: 4837
All NPC ID: 4838
NPC ID2: 4838
All NPC ID: 4839
NPC ID3: 4839
All NPC ID: 4840
NPC ID4: 4840
All NPC ID: 7612
NPC ID5: 7612
All NPC ID: 14098
NPC ID6: 14098
All NPC ID: 14046
NPC ID7: 14046
All NPC ID: 14047
NPC ID8: 14047
All NPC ID: 14048
NPC ID9: 14048
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID10: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID11: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID12: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID13: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
The Vyrewatch are the vampyric vanguard that receive blood tithes from the population of Morytania and suppress any resistance to the Drakan overlords. They patrol the skies as both soldiers and lords of Meiyerditch and ask any human, including the player, that catches their attention for a blood tithe.
Vyrewatch can be fought; however, they are completely impervious to most weapons and poisons, although they can be poisoned by a Dreadnip, but they are only vulnerable to the Ivandis flail, Blisterwood weapons, and the Sunspear. The blisterwood and sunspear in particular can kill most vyrewatch in just a few hits.
Killing Vyrewatch is a very cheap way of training Prayer and gaining experience in many skills. As long as the player uses ]]Morytania legs 4]] and a sunspear, as well as decent armour, one is able to obtain 500-600k combat XP, 200k Constitution XP, 350-450k Prayer XP, 200k Firemaking XP and 100-150k Farming XP (if the player has seedicide unlocked. Alongside this, players can make upwards of 6.000.000 GP per hour. Because of these rewards and the killing of Vyrewatch being (semi)afk, this is a popular method of training.
Vyrewatch can be aggressive towards or suspicious of the player based on location:
In Meiyerditch, Vyrewatch can become suspicious of the player until the player progresses far enough into The Branches of Darkmeyer quest, when Vanescula Drakan "marks" the player. If a Vyrewatch become suspicious, they will bind the player before dropping down and talking to them. They will give the player several options - take a blood tithe, fight them, get sent to the mines or distract them. If the player fails in distracting them, the vyrewatch will take a tithe from the player.
Vyrewatch can also be encountered during Temple Trekking and Burgh de Rott Ramble after Legacy of Seergaze. See the Temple Trekking article for information on those vyrewatch.
The Vyrewatch east of Burgh de Rott and in Meiyerditch drop only corpses.
The Sunspear automatically cremates Vyres, so they will not drop corpses when killed by it.
Vyrewatch were once removed from being a slayer task, but were later re-added with the release of The Branches of Darkmeyer, and can only be assigned once the quest has been completed.
In the book Return to Canifis Vyrewatch seem to lack the prediction ability and are wounded by standard melee weapons, and also seem to have no way to protect themselves from magic, even though players cannot hurt them in either of those two methods (though they can use the latter with a blisterwood staff). It might also be because they were fighting many enemies at once, and were unable to avoid all of their attacks.
Previously the damage inflicted on a vyrewatch was capped at 250 life points per hit. This cap was removed in the Temple Trekking update on 17 August2011. The same update removed the level 85 vyrewatch which could previously be encountered on the easy route of a Temple Trek/Burgh de Rott Ramble.
Even with the full Darkmeyer disguise/House Drakan outfit and high ranking in the vyre system, Vyrewatch in Meiyerditch still insult the player as if it was nonexsistant. Talking to the Vyrewatch in the middle tier of Darkmeyer results in conversation where they hold a grudge or beg to be taken to the upper tiers.
When caught by a Vyrewatch, you can prevent paying a tithe or menial work by logging out.
If you kill a Vyrewatch while it's soaring over the sea, the loot is unobtainable. If you are fighting Vyrewatch east of Burgh de Rott, and the Vyrewatch is over the rocks there (the large pile just south of the bronze pickaxe spawn), the loot seems to disappear. It is unknown if this is a glitch or not.
There were 8 different types of Vyrewatch corpses storable in the player's bank, each taking a different bank space. However, they were are all identical when it comes to burning them on a pyre. Due to an update, all Vyrewatch now drop the same corpse and will store in the same bank slot. Any corpses stored in the player's bank prior to this update can be converted to this form by dropping and picking them up again.
Before the Evolution of Combat, if you froze a Vyrewatch with the Ivandis flail's special attack and another Vyrewatch attacked you, you would still attack the frozen Vyrewatch, even though it was a single-combat zone. However, if the effect wore off before you killed the Vyrewatch, your attacker would become the new Vyrewatch, and you could not attack the original one again until the new one was killed.
Before an update removed their weaknesses on 20 July2015, some Vyrewatch were weak to bolts, but the Blisterwood stake-thrower crossbow was not available at the time, and they could not be damaged by other bolt weapons, even in tandem with silver bolts. In addition, some were weak to stab attacks even though the only two melee weapons usable against them at the time were not stab weapons.