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Warped bats can be found in the seventh room of the Lumbridge Catacombs Dungeon which can only be entered after completing The Blood Pact quest. They were created by Dragith Nurn, a now undead necromancer, during his experiments with local animals.

This is one of the monsters that drop Mask part 3, which can be used with the 4 other parts to create the Mask of Dragith Nurn.

Warped bats count as bats for the Slayer task set by Turael, Spria, Mazchna or Achtryn.

Killing three warped bats is one of the Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks.



100% drop[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Bat bonesBat bones1Always1,012

Main drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Bronze arrowBronze arrow25Common775
Magic staffMagic staff1Uncommon1,320
Bronze maceBronze mace1Uncommon696
Bronze helmBronze helm1Uncommon524
Bronze sq shieldBronze sq shield1Uncommon395
Bronze chainbodyBronze chainbody1Uncommon971
Leather bodyLeather body1Uncommon414
Leather glovesLeather gloves1Uncommon202
Leather bootsLeather boots1Uncommon170
Leather cowlLeather cowl1Uncommon470
Fire runeFire rune6Common954
Air runeAir rune12Common1,080
Earth runeEarth rune6Common108
Water runeWater rune6Common150
Copper oreCopper ore1Common337
Tin oreTin ore2Uncommon232
Bronze barBronze bar1Common929
Iron barIron bar1Common1,053
Coins 100Coins175Common175
Fishing baitFishing bait50Uncommon250
Gold necklaceGold necklace1Uncommon987
Gold amuletGold amulet1Uncommon901
Gold ringGold ring1Uncommon1,207
Holy symbolHoly symbol1Common1,716
Amulet of magicAmulet of magic1Rare2,223
Mind talismanMind talisman1Rare203
Air talismanAir talisman1Rare498
Water talismanWater talisman1Rare2,528
Earth talismanEarth talisman1Rare185

Tertiary drops[]

These drops are dropped alongside main drops.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Mask part 3Mask part 3[1]1UncommonNot sold
Staff of airStaff of air[2]1Uncommon2,013
  1. ^ Not dropped if you already have one, or a Mask of Dragith Nurn, in your possession.
  2. ^ Not dropped if you already have one in your possession
  3. ^ Not dropped if you already have one in your possession

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • Unlike other bats, this bat drops regular bones, instead of bat bones. This is most likely because bat bones are members' objects outside of Daemonheim.
  • Despite their examine text, they are not aggressive at all.