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Ranged weaponry

Ranged weaponry.

Ranged weapons are a set of combat items which are used to fire projectiles at enemies. When equipped these items provide experience in the Ranged skill. Ranged weapons are most effective against magic armour and least effective against melee armour.

Ranged weapons can be divided into three categories by the type of ammunition they use, which each have monsters that are weak to them. They are: arrows, bolts and thrown.

Currently the highest hitting and the most accurate ranged weapon is the Seren godbow, excluding weapons found in Daemonheim.

Bows (arrows)[]

Bows are ranged weapons which require arrows as ammunition. All bows are two handed weapons. They can be separated into two categories: shortbows, and shieldbows.

Shortbows have better offensive stats, while shieldbows offer armour and life bonuses and allow the use of abilities that require shields being equipped. Shortbows have a range of 7 squares, and shieldbows have a range of 8 squares.

Bow types[]


Shortbows require two hands to wield and arrows as ammunition. Unlike shieldbows, shortbows offer no armour or life bonuses. However, they do have higher base damage and faster rate of fire (3 seconds between shots). Range: 7 squares.

Bow Ranged Level Accuracy  Arrow Damage GE Price Members
Shortbow Shortbow 1 150 43 1,215 F2P icon
Chargebow Chargebow[1] 1 150 91 N/A F2P icon
Quickbow Quickbow[1] 5 202 183 N/A F2P icon
Oak shortbow Oak shortbow 10 202 87 624 F2P icon
Willow shortbow Willow shortbow 20 316 175 512 F2P icon
Maple shortbow Maple shortbow 30 454 263 688 F2P icon
Comp ogre bow Comp ogre bow[2] 30 454 382 3,762 P2P icon
Yew shortbow Yew shortbow 40 628 351 896 F2P icon
Magic shortbow Magic shortbow 50 850 438 1,189 F2P icon
Seercull Seercull 50 901 249 30,997 P2P icon
Gravite chargebow Gravite chargebow[1] 55 (45 Dungeoneering ) 983 510 40kDungeoneering Tokens F2P icon
Elder shortbow Elder shortbow 60 1132 526 4,249 P2P icon
Crystal bow Crystal bow[1] 70 (50 Agility ) 1486 1286 326,879 P2P icon
Attuned crystal bow Attuned crystal bow[1] 80 (50 Agility ) 1924 1470 N/A P2P icon
Hexhunter bow Hexhunter bow 80 1924 384 169,376,270 P2P icon
Second-Age bow Second-Age bow 80 1924 1020 213,500,000 P2P icon
Zaryte bow Zaryte bow[1] 80 1924 1470 8,816,585 P2P icon
Decimation Decimation[1] 87 2287 1598 65,339,204 P2P icon
Noxious longbow Noxious longbow 90 2458 1147 163,230,298 P2P icon
Seren godbow Seren godbow[1] 92 2577 2056 923,416,219 P2P icon
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Does not require ammunition.
  2. ^ Only fires Ogre and Brutal arrows.


Shieldbows require two hands to wield and arrows as ammunition. They have lower base damage than shortbows and speed (3.6 seconds between shots) than shortbows. However, they offer armour and life bonuses, as well as the option to use defensive abilities requiring a shield be equipped. Range: 8 squares.

Bow Ranged Level Accuracy Arrow Damage Armour Life Bonus GE Price Members
Shieldbow Shieldbow 1 150 26 30 0 1,089 F2P icon
Oak shieldbow Oak shieldbow 10 202 53 40 0 623 F2P icon
Willow shieldbow Willow shieldbow 20 316 106 63 0 335 F2P icon
Willow composite bow Willow composite bow 20 316 106 63 0 860,090 F2P icon
Maple shieldbow Maple shieldbow 30 454 159 90 0 624 F2P icon
Ogre bow Ogre bow[1] 30 454 278 0 0 860,090 P2P icon
Yew shieldbow Yew shieldbow 40 628 212 125 0 864 F2P icon
Yew composite bow Yew composite bow 40 628 212 125 0 809,273 P2P icon
Maple shieldbow (sighted) Maple shieldbow (sighted) 45

(45 Dungeoneering)

732 238 146 0 624 10kDungeoneeringTokens F2P icon
Magic shieldbow Magic shieldbow 50

(50 Defence)

850 265 170 0 1,118 F2P icon
Magic composite bow Magic composite bow 50 850 265 170 0 756,977 P2P icon
Magic shieldbow (sighted) Magic shieldbow (sighted) 55

(55 Defence)

983 291 196 0 1,118 10kDungeoneeringTokens F2P icon
Saradomin bow Saradomin bow 55 983 291 179 0 592,059 P2P icon
Guthix bow Guthix bow 55 983 291 179 0 586,503 P2P icon
Zamorak bow Zamorak bow 55 983 291 179 0 616,811 P2P icon
Elder shieldbow Elder shieldbow 60 1132 318 226 0 3,516 P2P icon
Elder shieldbow (sighted) Elder shieldbow (sighted) 65 1299 344 259 0 3,516 10kDungeoneeringTokens P2P icon
Dark bow Dark bow 70

(70 Defence)

1486 371 297 0 77,444 P2P icon
Strykebow Strykebow 85 2178 450 435 560 13,534,872 P2P icon
  1. ^ Only fires Ogre arrows.


Arrows are used for ammunition with bows. They do not affect accuracy, but do add damage bonuses. A higher level arrow adds more damage but can make ranged combat very expensive. The type of bow wielded may limit the amount of damage that arrows add. For example, if a tier 50 bow is used with tier 60 arrows, the damage added by the arrows will not be tier 60 but rather tier 50 (i.e. the level of the bow). Non-members cannot use Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak, Dragon, Dark or Araxyte arrows. All arrows except for the God arrows and Araxyte arrows can be fletched by members.

Arrow Ranged Level Ranged damage GE Price Special
Bronze arrow Bronze arrows 1 48 31
Fragment arrows Fragment arrows 5 48 Does 768 damage against ascension creatures.
Iron arrow Iron arrows 10 96 14
Steel arrow Steel arrows 20 192 17
Mithril arrow Mithril arrows 30 288 21
Adamant arrow Adamant arrows 40 384 51
Rune arrow Rune arrows 50 480 151
Saradomin arrows Saradomin arrows 50 528 85
Guthix arrows Guthix arrows 50 528 84
Zamorak arrows Zamorak arrows 50 528 85
Broad arrow Broad arrows 50 528 Can be used to kill kurasks
Dragon arrow Dragon arrows 60 576 239
Abyssalbane arrow Abyssalbane arrows 60 576 Does extra damage to abyssal demons
Basiliskbane arrow Basiliskbane arrows 60 576 Does extra damage to basilisks
Dragonbane arrow Dragonbane arrows 60 576 Does extra damage to dragons
Wallasalkibane arrow Wallasalkibane arrows 60 576 Does extra damage to wallasalkis
Dark arrow Dark arrows 70 672 49
Stalker arrow Stalker arrows 80 768 184
Wild arrow Wild arrows 85 816 110
Araxyte arrow Araxyte arrows 90 864 173

Ogre and brutal arrows[]

Ogre and brutal arrows are only available to members and can only be used with ogre bows. Ogre arrows can be fletched during and after the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest and can be used with either an ogre bow or a composite ogre bow.

Brutal arrows can be fletched after completing the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest and can only be used with a composite ogre bow. They are currently the only effective weapon against Zogres and Skogres.

Arrow Ranged Level Ranged damage GE Price
Ogre arrow Ogre arrows 30 288 95
Bronze brutal Bronze brutal arrows 1 48 32
Iron brutal Iron brutal arrows 10 96 19
Steel brutal Steel brutal arrows 15 144 19
Black brutal Black brutal arrows 20 192 91
Mithril brutal Mithril brutal arrows 23 220 477
Adamant brutal Adamant brutal arrows 40 316 376
Rune brutal Rune brutal arrows 50 412 647

Crossbows (bolts)[]

Crossbows are ranged weapons which require bolts as ammunition. They can be separated into two categories: crossbows and two-handed crossbows.

Crossbows have a faster rate of fire (2.4 seconds) than two-handed crossbows (3.6 seconds). Crossbows leave the shield slot open which can be filled by off-handed crossbows to further increase rate of fire. Two-handed crossbows offer a base damage bonus in addition to the damage bonus from the bolts used, while crossbows rely only on the bolt to deal damage. Both types have the same accuracy

Crossbow types[]

One-Handed Crossbows[]

Name Ranged Level Accuracy GE Price Members
Crossbow Crossbow 1 150 1,567 F2P icon
Phoenix crossbow Phoenix crossbow 1 110 N/A F2P icon
Bronze crossbow Bronze crossbow 1 150 2,666 F2P icon
Off-hand bronze crossbow Off-hand bronze crossbow 1 150 1,059 F2P icon
Coral crossbow Coral crossbow[1] 1 160 N/A P2P icon
Iron crossbow Iron crossbow 10 202 2,809 F2P icon
Off-hand iron crossbow Off-hand iron crossbow 10 202 565 F2P icon
Blurite crossbow Blurite crossbow 16 268 N/A P2P icon
Steel crossbow Steel crossbow 20 316 3,641 F2P icon
Off-hand steel crossbow Off-hand steel crossbow 20 316 2,651 F2P icon
Dorgeshuun crossbow Dorgeshuun crossbow[2] 28 424 2,723 P2P icon
Black crossbow Black crossbow 25 308 685,635 P2P icon
Mithril crossbow Mithril crossbow 30 454 6,839 F2P icon
Off-hand mithril crossbow Off-hand mithril crossbow 30 454 3,144 F2P icon
Adamant crossbow Adamant crossbow 40 628 14,784 F2P icon
Off-hand adamant crossbow Off-hand adamant crossbow 40 628 10,915 F2P icon
Zanik's crossbow Zanik's crossbow 48 801 N/A P2P icon
Hunters' crossbow Hunters' crossbow[3] 50 850 5,835 P2P icon
Rune crossbow Rune crossbow 50 850 9,573 F2P icon
Off-hand rune crossbow Off-hand rune crossbow 50 850 9,536 F2P icon
Demon slayer crossbow Demon slayer crossbow 60 1040 93,026 P2P icon
Off-hand demon slayer crossbow Off-hand demon slayer crossbow 60 1040 50,222 P2P icon
Dragon crossbow Dragon crossbow 60 1132 9,416,234 P2P icon
Off-hand dragon crossbow Off-hand dragon crossbow 60 1132 7,010,296 P2P icon
Karil's pistol crossbow Karil's pistol crossbow[4] 70 1486 638,454 P2P icon
Karil's off-hand pistol crossbow Karil's off-hand pistol crossbow[4] 70 1486 975,482 P2P icon
Armadyl crossbow Armadyl crossbow 75 1694 5,594,315 P2P icon
Off-hand Armadyl crossbow Off-hand Armadyl crossbow 75 1694 5,598,386 P2P icon
Chaotic crossbow Chaotic crossbow 80 1924 200kDungeoneering tokens P2P icon
Off-hand chaotic crossbow Off-hand chaotic crossbow 80 1924 100kDungeoneering tokens P2P icon
Ascension crossbow Ascension crossbow 90 2458 125,758,405 P2P icon
Off-hand Ascension crossbow Off-hand Ascension crossbow 90 2458 125,985,380 P2P icon
Blightbound crossbow Blightbound crossbow 92 2577 496,358,591 P2P icon
Off-hand Blightbound crossbow Off-hand Blightbound crossbow 92 2577 592,343,565 P2P icon
  1. ^ Only fires coral bolts.
  2. ^ This crossbow cannot use enchanted or gem-tipped bolts.
  3. ^ Only fires kebbit and long kebbit bolts.
  4. ^ a b Only fires bolt racks.

Two-handed crossbows[]

Name Ranged Level Accuracy Damage GE Price
Bronze 2h crossbow Bronze 2h crossbow 1 150 63 1,074
Iron 2h crossbow Iron 2h crossbow 10 202 127 2,775
Steel 2h crossbow Steel 2h crossbow 20 316 255 4,010
Black 2h crossbow Black 2h crossbow 25 381 318 7,760
Mithril 2h crossbow Mithril 2h crossbow 30 454 382 6,505
Adamant 2h crossbow Adamant 2h crossbow 40 628 510 16,449
Rune 2h crossbow Rune 2h crossbow 50 850 637 4,057
Dragon 2h crossbow Dragon 2h crossbow 60 1132 795 3,396,533
Karil's crossbow Karil's crossbow[1] 70 1486 927 3,954,941
Blisterwood stake-thrower crossbow Blisterwood stake-thrower crossbow[2] 70 1486 892 N/A
Hand cannon Hand cannon[3] 75 1694 993 804,514
Royal crossbow Royal crossbow 80 1924 1020 N/A
Wyvern crossbow Wyvern crossbow 85 2178 1083 24,191,474
Dominion crossbow Dominion crossbow[4] 90 2458 1147 N/A
  1. ^ Only fires bolt racks.
  2. ^ Only fires blisterwood stakes
  3. ^ Only fires hand cannon shots.
  4. ^ Does not require ammunition. Only usable in the Dominion Tower.


Bolts are used for ammunition with crossbows. They do not affect accuracy, but do add damage bonuses. A higher level bolt adds more damage but can make ranged combat very expensive.  The type of crossbow wielded may limit the amount of damage that bolts add. For example, if a tier 70 crossbow is used with tier 80 bolts, the damage added by the bolts will not be tier 80 but rather tier 70 (i.e. the level of the crossbow). Gem tipped bolts can be enchanted using the Enchant Crossbow Bolt spell.

Name Level Damage Cost Special
Bronze bolts Bronze bolts 1 48 25
Coral bolts Coral bolts 1 48 N/A Can only be used with the coral crossbow
Fragment bolts Fragment bolts 1 48 N/A Does 768 damage against ascension creatures.
Barbed bolts Barbed bolts 1 48 71
Blurite bolts Blurite bolts 16 57 N/A
Iron bolts Iron bolts 10 96 43
Opal bolts Opal bolts 10 96 36
Steel bolts Steel bolts 20 192 59
Pearl bolts Pearl bolts 20 192 70
Opal bolts (e) Opal bolts (e) 20 192 32 Lucky lightning enchantment
Jade bolts Jade bolts 25 240 N/A
Silver bolts Silver bolts 25 240 39
Bone bolts Bone bolts 28 268 49 Can only be used with the Dorgeshuun or Zanik's crossbow
Mithril bolts Mithril bolts 30 288 74
Topaz bolts Topaz bolts 30 288 83
Pearl bolts (e) Pearl bolts (e) 30 288 49 Sea curse enchantment
Black bolts Black bolts 33 316 39
Jade bolts (e) Jade bolts (e) 35 336 N/A Earthā€™s fury enchantment
Adamant bolts Adamant bolts 40 384 113
Sapphire bolts Sapphire bolts 40 384 50
Topaz bolts (e) Topaz bolts (e) 40 384 60 Down to earth enchantment
Runite bolts Runite bolts 50 480 197
Broad-tipped bolts Broad-tipped bolts 50 480 66 Can be used to kill kurasks
Kebbit bolts Kebbit bolts 50 480 47 Can only be used with the hunters' crossbow
Long kebbit bolts Long kebbit bolts 50 480 62 Can only be used with the hunters' crossbow
Emerald bolts Emerald bolts 50 480 89
Ruby bolts Ruby bolts 50 480 104
Sapphire bolts (e) Sapphire bolts (e) 50 480 84 Clear mind enchantment
Diamond bolts Diamond bolts 60 576 375
Dragon bolts Dragon bolts 60 576 388
Emerald bolts (e) Emerald bolts (e) 60 576 166 Magical poison enchantment
Ruby bolts (e) Ruby bolts (e) 60 576 137 Blood forfeit enchantment
Abyssalbane bolt Abyssalbane bolt 60 576 N/A Does extra damage to abyssal demons
Basiliskbane bolt Basiliskbane bolt 60 576 N/A Does extra damage to basilisks
Dragonbane bolt Dragonbane bolt 60 576 N/A Does extra damage to dragons
Wallasalkibane bolt Wallasalkibane bolt 60 576 N/A Does extra damage to wallasalkis
Bolt rack Bolt rack 70 672 132 Can only be used with Karil's crossbow or Karil's pistol crossbow and off-hand variant.
Blisterwood stakes (ammo) Blisterwood stakes (ammo) 70 672 N/A Can only be used with blisterwood stake-thrower crossbow.
Onyx bolts Onyx bolts 70 672 7,435
Diamond bolts (e) Diamond bolts (e) 70 672 360 Armour piercing enchantment
Dragon bolts (e) Dragon bolts (e) 70 672 337 Dragonā€™s breath enchantment
Bakriminel bolts Bakriminel bolts 80 720 3,259
Royal bolts Royal bolts 80 768 106
Onyx bolts (e) Onyx bolts (e) 80 768 7,723 Leech life enchantment
Ascension bolts Ascension bolts 90 864 122
Ascendri bolts Ascendri bolts 90 902 9,214
Blight bolts Blight bolts 92 883 1,177

Mithril grapple[]

Members can use a mithril grapple as a tool for scaling high obstacles, such as walls. Rangers can create mithril grapples and attach them to mithril bolts provided with the required Smithing level. To use the grapple, players use a rope with the grapple and then use it on the shortcut. Players will need to have a crossbow equipped to use the grapple.

Each time a player uses their grapple, there is a chance that it can break. It cannot be repaired, meaning if a player's grapple does break, they will need to make a new one. Shortcuts that require grapples also require Ranged, Strength, and Agility levels.


Salamanders function like two-handed crossbows.

Weapon (creature) Ranged Level Accuracy Damage Ammo
Swamp lizard Swamp lizard (hunter) 30 454 397 Guam tar Guam tar
Orange salamander Orange salamander (hunter) 50 850 662 Marrentill tar Marrentill tar
Red salamander Red salamander (hunter) 60 1132 795 Tarromin tar Tarromin tar
Black salamander Black salamander (hunter) 70 1486 892 Harralander tar Harralander tar

Throwing weapons (thrown)[]


Main article: Darts

Darts can be made after completing the Tourist Trap quest. Players can smith 10 dart tips per bar and can then attach feathers to create a completed dart. They can be wielded as a weapon, allowing players to also carry a shield or off-hand weapon. Note that black darts are only available as drops from elite dark rangers. Darts are stackable, however, they cannot be thrown as far as a player with a bow. The setback is minor, given its decent striking power, speed and availability. Thus, making it a popular training weapon in the ranging arsenal.

Name Level Damage Accuracy Cost
Bronze dart Bronze dart 1 48 150 69
Off-hand bronze dart Off-hand bronze dart 1 24 150 22
Iron dart Iron dart 10 96 202 46
Off-hand iron dart Off-hand iron dart 10 48 202 29
Steel dart Steel dart 20 192 316 17
Off-hand steel dart Off-hand steel dart 20 96 316 18
Black dart Black dart 25 240 381 1,503
Off-hand black dart Off-hand black dart 25 120 381 98
Mithril dart Mithril dart 30 288 454 30
Off-hand mithril dart Off-hand mithril dart 30 144 454 25
Adamant dart Adamant dart 40 384 628 44
Off-hand adamant dart Off-hand adamant dart 40 192 628 58
Rune dart Rune dart 50 480 850 77
Off-hand rune dart Off-hand rune dart 50 240 850 75
Dragon dart Dragon dart 60 576 1132 136
Off-hand dragon dart Off-hand dragon dart 60 288 1132 179
Blisterwood stake Blisterwood stake 70 672 1486 N/A
Off-hand blisterwood stake Off-hand blisterwood stake 70 336 1486 N/A
Death Lotus dart Death Lotus dart 85 816 2178 N/A
Off-hand Death Lotus dart Off-hand Death Lotus dart 85 408 2178 N/A
Deathtouched dart Deathtouched dart any 48 150 N/A


Javelins can be bought from the Grand Exchange, Ranging Guild, Void Knights Outposts Archery Shoppe, or obtained from monster drops. They can be wielded as a weapon, allowing players to also wield a shield or off-hand weapon. They are the only thrown weapons available for free players, with the exception of the Sagaie and Morrigan's javelin.

Javelins are much slower than other thrown weapons, but they do more damage per hit.

Javelin Level Accuracy Damage Cost
Bronze javelin Bronze javelin 1 150 74 38
Iron javelin Iron javelin 10 202 149 26
Steel javelin Steel javelin 20 316 298 130
Mithril javelin Mithril javelin 30 454 447 97
Adamant javelin Adamant javelin 40 628 596 65
Rune javelin Rune javelin 50 850 745 181
Sagaie Sagaie 72 1566 1072 471
Morrigan's javelin Morrigan's javelin 78 1829 1162 5,606
Superior Morrigan's javelin Superior Morrigan's javelin 88 2343 1311 N/A

Throwing axes[]

Throwing axes can be created by players, purchased from the Ranging Guild, or bought from other players. They can be wielded as a single-handed weapon, allowing players to also wield a shield or off-hand weapon. Note that Morrigan's axe can only be obtained as a drop from Revenants.

Throwing axes are slightly slower than throwing knives and darts, but do more damage per hit.

Throwing axe Level Accuracy Damage Cost
Bronze throwing axe Bronze throwing axe 1 150 61 32
Off-hand bronze throwing axe Off-hand bronze throwing axe 1 150 30 25
Iron throwing axe Iron throwing axe 10 202 122 51
Off-hand iron throwing axe Off-hand iron throwing axe 10 202 61 22
Steel throwing axe Steel throwing axe 20 316 245 100
Off-hand steel throwing axe Off-hand steel throwing axe 20 316 122 36
Mithril throwing axe Mithril throwing axe 30 454 367 174
Off-hand mithril throwing axe Off-hand mithril throwing axe 30 454 183 76
Adamant throwing axe Adamant throwing axe 40 628 490 354
Off-hand adamant throwing axe Off-hand adamant throwing axe 40 628 245 149
Rune throwing axe Rune throwing axe 50 850 612 341
Off-hand rune throwing axe Off-hand rune throwing axe 50 850 306 326
Dragon throwing axe Dragon throwing axe 60 1132 894 388
Off-hand dragon throwing axe Off-hand dragon throwing axe 60 1132 447 193
Morrigan's throwing axe Morrigan's throwing axe 78 1829 955 5,291
Superior Morrigan's throwing axe Superior Morrigan's throwing axe 88 2343 1078 N/A

Throwing knives[]

Throwing knives are similar to darts. They are one of the fastest weapon types in the game and can be smithed. They can be wielded as a single-handed weapon, allowing players to wield a shield or off-hand weapon.

Players receive 5 throwing knives from each bar they smith. Throwing knives are stackable, however, they cannot be thrown as far as a player with a bow. The setback is minor, given its decent striking power, speed and availability (thus making it a popular training weapon in the ranging arsenal).

Throwing knife Damage Accuracy GE Price
Bronze knife Bronze knife 48 150 37
Off-hand bronze knife Off-hand bronze knife 24 150 50
Iron knife Iron knife 96 202 61
Off-hand iron knife Off-hand iron knife 48 202 56
Steel knife Steel knife 192 316 107
Off-hand steel knife Off-hand steel knife 96 316 104
Black knife Black knife 240 381 668
Off-hand black knife Off-hand black knife 120 381 126
Mithril knife Mithril knife 288 454 183
Off-hand mithril knife Off-hand mithril knife 144 454 175
Adamant knife Adamant knife 384 628 374
Off-hand adamant knife Off-hand adamant knife 192 628 359
Rune knife Rune knife 480 850 395
Off-hand rune knife Off-hand rune knife 240 850 370
Dragon knife Dragon knife[1] 576 1132 1,484
Off-hand dragon knife Off-hand dragon knife[1] 288 1132 1,020
  1. ^ a b Cannot be crafted, dropped by Throwing muspahs.

Crystal Chakrams[]

Crystal chakrams are Elven thrown ranged weapons, which have normal and attuned variants. The normal variant requries 70 Ranged and Roving Elves to be completed to wield, while the attuned variant requires 80 Ranged and Plague's End to wield, and 90 Smithing to make.

Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy
Crystal chakram Crystal chakram 70 857 1486
Off-hand crystal chakram Off-hand crystal chakram 70 428 1486
Attuned crystal chakram Attuned crystal chakram 80 980 1924
Off-hand attuned crystal chakram Off-hand attuned crystal chakram 80 490 1924

Shadow Glaives[]

The shadow glaives are degradable Ranged weapons dropped by Gregorovic in Heart of Gielinor. Each has the accuracy of a tier-90 weapon, but the damage of a tier-80 weapon. They do not require any ammunition to use. The glaives can be bought from other players by trading or through use of the Grand Exchange.

Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy GE Price
Shadow glaive Shadow glaive 85 980 2458 12,797,611
Off-hand shadow glaive Off-hand shadow glaive 85 490 2458 12,196,398


Chinchompas are a unique, stackable, one-time use ranged explosion weapon. They have three attack styles: short, medium, and long, which determine the length of fuse and its effectiveness. Selecting short makes it more effective at short distance. A longer fuse enables the Chinchompa weapon to be used for longer distance attacks, but also decreases throwing rate. A Chinchompa explosion damages all targets within a three by three area. Chinchompas are obtained by box trapping. Mechanised chinchompa are made using the Invention skill.

Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy GE Price
Chinchompa Chinchompa 45 551 732 337
Red chinchompa Red chinchompa 55 673 983 751
Mechanised chinchompa Mechanised chinchompa 75 994 1694 5,353


Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy
Bolas Bolas 76 - 1738


Toktz-Xil-Ul is the TzHaar name for obsidian throwing rings.

Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy
Toktz-xil-ul Toktz-xil-ul 60 735 1132

Obsidian throwing rings can be obtained by buying from the TzHaar combat store, as a drop from the creatures in TzHaar, or by buying it from another player. They cost around 350 Tokkul per throwing ring. This weapon cannot be made using the Smithing skill.

Other Ranged equipment[]

Members also have access to different kinds of weapons. They are:

Ranged weapon Ranged level Damage bonus Accuracy Ammunition
DwarfcannonDwarf multicannon 5 (Dwarf Cannon) N/A N/A Cannonball
Holy water Holy water 50 (Legends' Quest) 480 850 None


Bolt pouch
Bolt pouch menu

The bolt pouch menu when left-clicked

Although not a weapon, members have access to a bolt pouch, allowing them to carry a variety of bolts without occupying too much of their bank or inventory space. They can be purchased from the crossbow sales dwarf in Keldagrim. Each player is restricted to one bolt pouch at a time. Destroying it or losing it upon death will cause all the bolts in the pouch to be dropped on the ground.

Bolt pouches can only hold 4 different kinds of bolts. To store bolts in a pouch, players have to use them with the pouch. Left-clicking on the pouch will open a menu showing players what bolts are currently in the pouch. Each of the four slots can hold up to 255 bolts. Bolts can be removed from the pouch or equipped by right-clicking on them. Grapples, however, cannot be stored in pouches. Bolt pouches are untradeable.

