The werewolf Agility course.

The location of the Werewolf Agility Course
The Werewolf Agility Course is an Agility course located southeast of Canifis in the swamps of Morytania. It requires level 60 Agility and completion of Creature of Fenkenstrain for the ring of charos, which is required to bypass the guard. Players can earn up to 540 agility experience points per lap on this course. With the right gear, players can keep running without spending money.
Although the course is due east of Canifis, swamps block the direct route. Instead, it can be reached by going southeast of Mazchna the Slayer Master, who can be found northeast of the city. Leeches are in this area and are aggressive to players under level 105.
Do not equip any headgear (excepting the nimble headwear), as you may not use the deathslide. Failing the deathslide results in a fall that can cause damage up into the 300s (although less damage is possible). Food thus allows you to stay at the course longer. Lightweight food, like baskets of strawberries, can be useful. Players above level 72 agility need little or no food, as they will only rarely fail the deathslide.
Familiars are allowed, so bringing spirit terrorbird with tireless run scrolls can save inventory space and money.
The entrance to the werewolf courses is a small, ruined hut in the swamp. (Werewolf Skullball is also located here.) A Werewolf guards the hut; just open the trapdoor and he will speak to you. If you are wearing the Ring of Charos, it deceives him into thinking you are a werewolf and he lets you in.
Remember to have one inventory spot free to pick up the stick the werewolf throws for you.
Map of the course[]
The course[]
To start the course, just go up to the pool of water and click the first stepping stone. There is no need to speak to the course's Agility Boss before starting. (You can speak to him if you want instructions on the course.)
Stepping stones[]
When you click the first stepping stone, you start the course and the werewolf Agility Boss throws a stick. You will want to get the stick from where it lands, carry it with you for the rest of the course, and give it to the werewolf Agility Trainer at the end of the course for an agility experience reward.
To cross the stepping stones, jump from one to the next one by clicking on them.
You can click on the next one while jumping from the previous one, to speed up the jumping.
Cross the hurdles by clicking on each fence in succession. It is much easier to click on the skull connector sections fence bars.
After the hurdles, crawl through any of the three pipes to get to the next chamber.
Fetch the stick![]
Once through the pipes, the stick the Agility Boss threw will be on the ground in this room. Click it to put it in your inventory (requires an empty slot). If you forget the stick, you won't get the bonus at the end of the course, and once you go up the skull slope, you can't go back for it!
Though the agility trainer will throw another stick if you pass it the first time, you can only have one stick at a time. If you try to pick up the second stick, it will tell you that it is another player's.
The stick (before being fetched) is subject to the time constraints of an item left on the ground. After an amount of time it will disappear, and you will be unable to pick it up for that lap! If you are unable to find the stick, check on the minimap to see a red dot: where the stick is.
Skull slope[]
Climb the skull slope by clicking on the skulls.
The Deathslide[]
This is the only obstacle on the course where players can fail. It is quite dangerous, as a fall can cause over 300 life points, so players with low life points are at risk of death.
The deathslide contains an extremely irritating and slightly frightening glitch that occasionally occurs. If you fail this obstacle you may see your character falling into a black void. You will appear in the middle of a completely black screen, and you cannot use teleportation to leave this void. Instead, you must log out and log back in (sometimes multiple times is required). If you're still unable to escape "the void", try switching worlds.
The end[]
Once you finish with the deathslide, click on the Agility Trainer at the end of the course to give him the stick you fetched. Don't forget to give the stick to the trainer at the end of the course. If the stick is not given, the Agility Boss will not throw another one when starting the next lap.
You gain 350 agility experience for a successful lap, plus another 190 experience if you return the stick, for a total of 540 experience per lap.
Obstacle | XP Gain |
Stepping stones | 50 |
Hurdles | 60 |
Pipe | 15 |
Skull slope | 25 |
Deathslide | 200* |
Agility bonus for stick | 190 |
Total Gain | 540 |
The Deathslide gives a variable amount of experience. The earlier you fall (if you fall) you will only receive 180, 160 or 140 experience per deathslide, and the farther you go before you fall the larger the amount of experience gained. Some experience is always gained from the Death Slide.
- If you forget to pick up the stick, an agility trainer may taunt you about it when you climb the skull slope.
- If you start another lap of the course and return to the place where sticks are found, you can only take the newest spawned stick, trying to pick the old one will yield message say that is somebody's else's.
- Picking up the stick is required for the course to count towards daily challenges.
- If you forget to hand over the stick you will not manage to fetch another until you give the first one back.
- The stick is subject to the same limits as all items for time spent on the ground - if you pause in the middle of a lap for some reason, the stick can disappear, and this gives the same effect as not picking it up.
- The Death Slide is the only thing in the game that can do damage past the player's life points.
Agility courses | |