? (edit)A White Knight initiate.A White Knight proselyte.A White Knight acolyte.A White Knight partisan.? (edit)? (edit)23806238022380423800Versions: 4
Defined properties:
All Life points: 1,250
Life points: 1,250
All Combat experience: 54
Combat experience: 54
All Release date: 6 April 2001
Release date: 6 April 2001
All Combat level: 35
Combat level: 35
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 23806
NPC ID1: 23806
All NPC ID: 23802
NPC ID2: 23802
All NPC ID: 23804
NPC ID3: 23804
All NPC ID: 23800
NPC ID4: 23800
White Knights are a monastic order of knights dedicated to the service of Saradomin, based in Asgarnia and found mainly in their castle. The armour's cloth colour indicates the knight's rank.
Differently levelled knights have slightly different drops. Players killing white knights in their castle after completing the Wanted! quest will lose favour among the White Knights' order.
There was a lone white knight scout standing outside of Burthorpe, the only area of Asgarnia controlled by the Imperial Guard rather than the White Knights. Players who spoke to him learned that he was watching something. The knight was removed on 31 January2012 with the Troll Warzone update.
Prior to the Evolution of Combat update, the colour of their plumes affected their combat level. The lowest white knight had a red plume with a combat level of 33 while the white knights with the blue plume had a combat level of 42. They no longer have plumes, however; instead, their ranks are indicated by the colour of their tassets.
Prior to the 19 October2015 graphical update, they seem to have identical armour as the Temple knights while differing significantly in combat level, as seen here, when comparing them as seen in Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest.
The White Knights near the Grotworm lair were not graphically updated as the other White Knights were updated on 19 October2015.