The willow shieldbow is the fifth strongest shieldbow available to free players. The willow shieldbow requires a Ranged and Defence level of 20 or higher to wield. Players can purchase this bow from various shops that sell Ranged equipment. The value of 1 willow shieldbow in investment credits from the activity Mobilising Armies is 97.
Players can make a willow shieldbow using the Fletching skill at level 40. First, they must cut an unstrung willow shieldbow from willow logs, which grants 41.5 Fletching experience. Then, they must string the unstrung willow shieldbow with a bowstring, which grants 41.5 experience.
However, players tend to not string these bows for Fletching experience as the cost of the bowstrings (383) are significantly higher than the cost of the willow logs (248). Many players will use high level alchemy or get rid of the unstrung bows in other ways.
Like all shieldbows and unlike most other weapons, it incorporates a shield inseparably, despite nothing resembling a shield being involved in its creation. Therefore, it provides armour and life point bonuses, and counts as a shield for Defenceabilities, such as Rejuvenate. The attack range of the willow shieldbow is 8 spaces.