RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the aura. For other uses, see Wise (disambiguation).

Wisdom aura detail

Wisdom is an aura available as part of the Members Loyalty Programme and can be purchased from Xuan in Burthorpe or Varrock for 40,000 Membership Loyalty Points. This aura increases all experience earned by 2.5%. It will only grant up to 100,000 bonus experience within the activation time. It cannot be taken into Daemonheim and therefore Wisdom's 2.5% experience boost cannot be used for Dungeoneering. Wisdom does stack with Bonus XP Weekend. It also stacks with experience-boosting sets, bonus experience and clan avatar bonuses.

It is activated for 30 minutes and resets at 00:00 UTC. Also, as with all auras, if the account using it is logged out while the aura is activated, the timer will continue to run out.

The aura will not work for minigame and D&D rewards (such as the jack of trades aura reward book, or when adding strange rock pairs to the Dahmaroc statue for Shattered Heart), quest rewards, Artisan's Workshop, refer a friend and ancient effigies.

The Wisdom aura can be reset once per day by using 40 vis wax, thus allowing the player to use the aura twice per day. However it cannot be extended.

Experience boosting auras, such as salvation/harmony/corruption and wisdom do not work with the Ectofuntus, but do work with POH Altars.

Tier Loyalty point cost Duration
Individual Cumulative
3 Wisdom aura Wisdom aura 40,000 40,000 30 minutes
4 Supreme wisdom aura Supreme wisdom aura 80,000 120,000 60 minutes
5 Legendary wisdom aura Legendary wisdom aura 120,000 240,000 90 minutes

Combat Stats
RequirementsAura equipped
NoneAura slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses