Wizard Acantha is a member of the Runecrafting Guild. She is also the leader of the green team in The Great Orb Project minigame. Players may speak to her to join her team.
The Great Orb Project minigame follows the premise that, when the Runecrafting altars are used, some of the energy in the transfer to the rune essence is lost and then manifests as yellow or green orbs in the surrounding area. Wizard Acantha is of the opinion that green orbs are, as opposed to the yellow orbs, the energy in the rune altars that supply magic. Because of this, she believes that the yellow orbs are useless byproducts that would ultimately pollute the altars.
Wizard Acantha also attended the 2011 Christmas Event Banquet. She is in her own chair instead of the set chairs for everyone else. Wizard Acantha sits next to Bogrog.
- Acantha (Greek akantha, "thorny") was a minor character in Greek mythology. She was a nymph loved by the god Apollo, who turned her into an Acanthus after he was rejected.
- Wizard Acantha in her wheeled chair resembles the steampunk machinery seen in the Girl Genius comic book series. Acantha could be a play on "Agatha Heterodyne", the main character, who is talented at creating and repairing electrical and mechanical devices.