The Worn Equipment, also called the Equipped tab, the worn items screen, or the Equipped Inventory tab shows all the equipment that the player is wearing or wielding. The equipped inventory is divided into 14 slots for each area of the body that some piece of equipment can be worn on. Since the 14 slots can each be equipped with an item which then no longer appears in the backpack inventory, a player can effectively carry 42 items with them at once, disregarding the use of beasts of burden. The slots and what they can be equipped with are listed below.
If Worn Equipment is not visible on game screen, Open your Customizations window, Click Wardrobe, Click the Clear Arrow at the bottom, then choose Clear All and Apply. You gear is now viewable in gameplay.

Worn equipment interface when sufficiently resized
Head slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
Some type of helmet armour is usually worn on the head. However, when Runecrafting a player may wear a tiara, or wicked hood, on their head so that they do not need to bring a talisman. Also, various hats and other novelties, such as partyhats or gnome goggles can be worn here.
Back slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
As the name suggests, items worn on the back are placed here. Mostly capes. While team capes provide a small defence bonus, capes such as the god capes, cape of accomplishment, obsidian cape and the fire cape provide considerable defence bonuses. If you have completed the quest Animal Magnetism, Ava's attractor/accumulator, or Ava's alerter after completion of Do No Evil, is also worn on the back slot.
Neck slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
The neck slot is where some jewellery, such as amulets and necklaces and symbols, is worn. While the jewellery itself offers no bonuses, when it is enchanted or blessed it can offer considerable bonuses. Currently, the best overall neckwear for members is the amulet of souls, and the amulet of power for non-members.
Ammunition slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
When using a bow or crossbow, a player needs ammunition to fire from their weapon. That ammunition, bolts and arrows, is held in the quiver slot. The ammunition in the quiver slot is what is fired from your ranged weapon, provided it can use the ammunition. The only exceptions are the chargebow and several higher leveled bows, which generate their own arrows for use. Various users have been known to nickname this slot as your 'Quiver', due to the fact that when you run out of ammunition, a message reads "There is no ammo left in your quiver." After completing the easy Tirannwn Tasks, an actual quiver can be equipped in this slot.
Main hand slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
This is where a player equips weapons, items that will be used to deal damage in combat. All players wield weapons (other than bows) in their right hand. If a player is using a two-handed weapon, such as a bow or a two-handed sword, they may not have any items equipped in the off-hand slot at the same time. In the case of thrown weapons, which are stackable, multiples of the same thrown weapon may be equipped in the main hand slot at once. A player may also equip a pickaxe, a woodcutting hatchet or a barb-tail harpoon in the main hand slot so that they may hold more ore, logs or fish, respectively. It is possible to sheathe items normally held in the main hand slot, either by right clicking on the abilities action bar and selecting toggle-sheathe, or by pressing the numpad * while the action bar is displayed. The item will appear to be carried on the player's back or hip.
Torso slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
For combat purposes, some type of armour is usually equipped in this slot. However, there are also many non-combat items that a player may equip here, ranging from aprons to rewards from random events. The torso slot often provide the best bonus of a set. In many cases with armour, the platebody and matching chainbody will have the same life point bonus but the platebody will always have a better armour rating.
Off-hand slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
Equipment to be held in the player's off-hand is held here, most commonly a shield or an off-hand weapon. A player may also carry one of the god books instead of a shield, a defender to provide extra bonuses to attack, or a small/big cast net in order to fish saving a space in their inventory. However, if a player is using a two-handed weapon, such as a shieldbow, staff, shortbow, Karil's crossbow, composite bow, or a two-handed sword, they may not hold any items in the off-hand slot at the same time. It is possible to sheathe items normally held in the off-hand slot, either by right clicking on the abilities action bar and selecting toggle-sheathe, or by pressing the numpad * while the action bar is displayed. The item will appear to be carried on the player's back or hip.
Legs slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
For combat purposes, a type of armour is usually equipped in this slot. However, there are also many non-combat items that a player may equip here, ranging from skirts to rewards from random events.
Hands slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
Gloves, gauntlets, bracelets, and vambraces are equipped in this slot. While plain leather gloves provide small defence bonuses, members can get metal gloves that provide considerable bonuses. Coloured gloves are popular among lower level players and skillers. Rangers often wear vambraces instead of gloves, which give them bonuses to Ranged attacks.
Feet slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
Boots and shoes are equipped in this slot. While plain leather boots provide small defence bonuses, metal boots provide considerable bonuses. In some quests special footwear is required for certain parts.
Ring slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
The ring slot is where rings are worn. Many rings grant combat bonuses and inherit passive abilities or teleport options. Members can enchant crafted rings or obtain other special jewellery that provides helpful abilities.
Two-handed items[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
Some items are two-handed; this means that they occupy both the main hand and off-hand slots. To date, the defensive shield, the orb of oculus and the stone of power are the only two-handed items that aren't weapons.
When equipping a two-handed item, both your main hand and off-hand slot items, if any, will be removed. This means you cannot equip a two-handed item if your inventory is full and both of those slots are full with different items.
Aura slot[]
Auras improve gameplay in many different ways, including effects with combat or skilling. Other auras are purely cosmetic and serve no practical purpose. They all have a particle effect that glows when the aura is active. They are equipped in the aura slot, and are activated by clicking Activate aura. All of them have an activation time, which shows how long they last, and a cooldown time, which shows how long it takes to be used again. If they are lost, they can be replaced by Xuan. Only one aura can be used at a time.
The activation time of most auras can be extended by using vis wax, while the remaining cooldown of combat auras can additionally be reset by using an aura refresh.
Pocket slot[]
- For a list of items in this slot, see this page.
The pocket slot allows to equip a multitude of items granting combat or skilling utility and occasionally direct combat bonuses. Other items that also could be operated or used from the inventory can be equipped in order to conserve space. Most pocket slot items are aimed at medium or high leveled players.
Sigil slot[]
The sigil slot is used to equip sigils - activatable items that grant a short-term benefit. Once activated, the slot itself is put on cooldown, so swapping sigils for multiple effects is not possible.
Before an update, every item had an "Operate" option. If an item couldn't be operated, a message appeared saying "There is no way to operate that item", so whether or not an item had a use was discovered merely by chance. This was replaced by the current system of having unique options under the item only if it has an extra use.