The yew shieldbow is a free-to-play shieldbow. The yew shieldbow requires a Ranged and Defence level of 40 or higher to wield.
Players can make a yew shieldbow through the Fletching skill at level 70. First, a player must cut an unstrung yew shieldbow from yew logs, earning 75 Fletching experience. The unstrung bow is then strung with a bowstring, for an additional 75 experience.
It incorporates a shield inseparably in its design and, as a result, it provides armour and counts as a shield for Defence abilities, such as Rejuvenate. The attack range of the yew shieldbow is 8 spaces.
With the Evolution of Combat, the yew shieldbow and shortbow were both made into member's items, but this was reverted to free-to-play with the second player-owned ports update.
With the release of Invention, yew shieldbows initially gave 23 Invention XP per disassembly.