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RuneScape Wiki

Zamorak team cape detail

A Zamorak team cape can be bought from Lanthus at the minigame Castle Wars for 10 silver Castle Wars tickets. It represents the RuneScape god Zamorak, and had the same appearance as the cape players wear during a Castle Wars game when playing on the Zamorak team before being graphically improved. This cape, like all other Castle Wars achievement capes, can be stored in the costume room of a player-owned house.

The Zamorak team cape should not be confused with the Zamorak cape. Bandits will not attack players who wear this cape. Visually, the difference is that the Zamorak cape is black with a red trim.

Combat Stats
RequirementsZamorak team cape equipped
NoneBack slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

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  • There was a major glitch when non-member players were getting the capes, by taking a ride on the gnomecopters to Castle Wars and reading the signpost. Then they would go to the next floor, click on the ground then select "report abuse", allowing them to enter. This would end in players being muted for 24 hours.
  • At one point, there was a glitch with this cloak and the Saradomin team cape. The hood and parts of the cloak itself appear to change colour based on what top your character is wearing when no armour is equipped. This glitch has effectively been resolved.