All Life points: 20,000
Life points: 20,000
All Combat experience: 10
Combat experience: 10
All Release date: 22 July 2013
Release date: 22 July 2013
All Combat level: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
Combat level: N/A"N/A" is not a number.
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 17529
NPC ID: 17529
The Zamorakian minelayer is a melee-based monster fighting on the side of Zamorak in the Battle of Lumbridge. They drop Divine tears. They can only be attacked by players who have sided with Saradomin. The Zamorakian minelayer appears at random. They will go to drop five mines to damage Saradominist forces, and return to their camp. They can be killed to prevent this from happening. Their mines seems to do instant 2000 melee damage to all targets in a 3x3 radius, and a random damage towards enemy players. While they may retaliate with melee, sometimes they will not attack and simply retreat from players. The number of mines they drop depends on how many they have deployed. They give four times the normal experience per kill.