All Life points: 10,000
Life points: 10,000
All Combat experience: 538.8
Combat experience: 538.8
All Release date: 25 March 2013
Release date: 25 March 2013
All Combat level: 84
Combat level: 84
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 17070
NPC ID: 17070
The Zamorakian occultist is a follower of Zamorak encountered during Wilderness Warbands. They primarily attack their targets with magic, using the spell Fire Surge and various abilities. They wield staves but their standard attacks are as fast as they would be with a wand. In addition, they frequently use potent threshold abilities such as Asphyxiate and Wild Magic, and even ultimates such as Omnipower. For this reason they are considered among the deadliest of the monsters at the Zamorak camp, behind only their leader, the Zamorakian demon lord.
His staff seems to resemble an earth battlestaff, but green in colour rather than brown, and without the particle effects or the glow at the tips. The mage bandits of the other gods use this staff as well.