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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about Zamorakian troops at the Battle of Lumbridge. For God Statues fanatic from Canifis, see Zamorakian warlock.
Hatchet head (dragon)
Zamorakian warlock (Battle of Lumbridge) was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.
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The Zamorakian warlock is a magic-based monster fighting on the side of Zamorak in the Battle of Lumbridge. They drop Divine tears. They can only be attacked by players who have sided with Saradomin. Before being attacked by a player, they have 10000 life points, but after being attacked, their life points and stats lower, with the extent they are lowered varying depending on the combat level of the one who attacked them, with a minimum of 128. They are capable of using abilities, however, and are dangerous in that regard.

They could use abilities including Impact, Combust, Wild Magic and Asphyxiate, and the ultimate abilities Omnipower and Metamorphosis. When using the latter they always morph into the fire form.

They use abilities according to their current adrenaline; however, their adrenaline bar is always obscured by their combat status bar unless the player is not targeting them or is moving the camera angle.

Unlike most monsters including some other units in the Battle of Lumbridge, they move in running speed, making them difficult to catch up or run away from.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Divine tearsDivine tears1–5AlwaysNot sold
Sacred metal fragmentsSacred metal fragments1–12CommonNot sold
Smite (Tier 0)Smite (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Fury (Tier 0)Divine Fury (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)Divine Inspiration (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Guardian Angel (Tier 0)Guardian Angel (Tier 0)1RareNot sold
Icyenic greathammer headIcyenic greathammer head1RareNot sold
Icyenic orbIcyenic orb1RareNot sold
Icyenic bowstaffIcyenic bowstaff1RareNot sold
Spin ticketSpin ticket1RareNot sold

In addition, this monster has a very rare chance to drop "the Virtuous", "the Boundless" and "the Eternal" titles.



  • When the Zamorakian Warlock kills an enemy unit, there is a chance it will say "Problem, heretic?" This may be a reference to the caption on the Trollface meme, which states "Problem, officer?"
  • They appear to wielding a updated staff and fire staff.
  • Starting the seventh week of the Battle of Lumbridge, they started dropping more than 10 sacred metal fragments at a time.