RuneScape Wiki
Hatchet head (dragon)
Zodiac talismans was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Zodiac talismans detail

Zodiac talismans are used during the Zodiac Festival event. They are meant to be handed in to Yinteng for different rewards.

They can be stored in the currency pouch to save bank and inventory space and can be handed in to Yinteng directly from there. They can also be clicked on to open the event interface.


  • Event tasks: Varies (350–900)
  • Non-combat skills: 22–27 every three minutes
  • Killing monsters: 25–30 every three minutes
  • Daily challenges: 74–90 per task (or 148-180 when extended)

Alternatively, zodiac talismans can be bought for RuneCoins on the Event interface's Shop tab:

Zodiac talismans RuneCoins Pieces per RuneCoin Price in terms of bonds
500 45 11.1 4,369,267
2,500 240 10.4 23,302,757
5,000 385 13 37,381,506

When a player received zodiac talismans, they were notified with one of the following messages:

  • You find X Zodiac Talismans and place them in your bank. (When there was no space in inventory and there were no zodiac talismans in currency pouch.)
  • You find X Zodiac Talismans and place them in your inventory. (When there was space and there were no zodiac talismans in currency pouch.)
  • You find X Zodiac Talismans. They are added to your currency pouch. (When there were zodiac talismans in currency pouch.)

