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Cal-128x128 新聞 來自RuneScape官方的新聞
Stickies-128x128 翻譯中... 本條目正在從其他語言內容翻譯成正體中文 歡迎您積極參與翻譯與修訂
In our unending quest to make the website easier for you to use and prettier to look at, we've just updated the system that runs the Knowledge Base. You probably won't see most of the changes as they're behind the scenes, making sure that everything works properly. What you will see is the new KB homepage, and in the future we'll be able to do much more with the articles to make it all that much simpler to find what you need.

The KB homepage now features an Article of the Week (an article that we think will interest you, or just a part of the KB that doesn't get as much attention as we think it should), FAQs (commonly asked questions and their answers, as well as a link to find out more) and Recent Articles (so you can make sure you keep up to date with all the latest KB additions).

On top of this, the search tool is now much, much better at finding the right information. With all this in place, we hope you'll find getting to the right information much simpler and enjoyable.

Happy 'Scaping!
