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This guide describes the most effective methods to train the Hunter skill. The experience rate estimates in this guide do not incorporate the use of any experience boosting items or bonus experience. They also assume that players are not banking any products that they obtain from hunting. Hunter is a gathering skill which involves using equipment such as box traps and bird snares to catch creatures and obtain products such as animals' fur, feathers and bones. As players level up the Hunter skill they gain the ability to catch creatures which award greater amounts of experience when they are caught. Levelling up the Hunter skill also allows players to lay more traps at once when hunting using traps.

Hunter level Concurrent traps
1 1
20 2
40 3
60 4
80 5

Useful equipment[]

Enhanced yaktwee stick[]

An enhanced yaktwee stick gives a 5% increase in the amount of Hunter experience gained if it is wielded while hunting. It can be obtained by upgrading a regular yaktwee stick by speaking to Yaktwee Swinmari Cianta after hunting 1,000 charm sprites. Charm sprites can be hunted with at least level 72 Hunter. Wielding the enhanced yaktwee while hunting charm sprites also gives a 5% increased chance of discovering the rarer types of charm sprite.

Augmented off-hand item with Wise perk[]

The Wise perk will increase the experience you gain by up to 3% without costing charge and can be put on an off-hand weapon or a shield and used in combination with the yaktwee stick.

Hunter's outfit[]

Pieces of the hunter's outfit give a percentage increase in the amount of base Hunter experience gained. This effect stacks with that of the enhanced yaktwee stick. The outfit pieces can be purchased using chimes and taijitu from the Waiko Reward Shop in The Arc; to access The Arc the player must have completed the Impressing the Locals quest. The full set costs a total of 10,000 chimes and 10 taijitu.

Image Name Experience boost
Hunter's headwear 1.0%
Hunter's chestpiece 1.0%
Hunter's gloves 1.0%
Hunter's legwear 1.0%
Hunter's boots 1.0%
Set bonus 1.0%
Total experience boost 6.0%

Trapper outfits[]

Parts of trapper outfits could be won as a prize from Treasure Hunter during the Elite Trapper Outfits promotion which originally ran between 23 August and 28 August 2017. The desert trapper outfit, jungle trapper outfit and arctic trapper outfit consist of head slot, body slot, leg slot, hand slot and feet slot items. When wearing a complete version of any of these three outfits, players gain the following bonuses:

  • 5% increased hunting success rate.
  • Juju hunter potion is automatically reapplied while in Herblore Habitat.
  • Increased chance of finding rarer charm sprites.
  • 3 teleports to Hunter locations per day.
  • If the player owns the hunter's outfit, they will receive its 6% increased base experience effect while wearing a trapper outfit.

Players who won all pieces of the desert trapper outfit, jungle trapper outfit, and arctic trapper outfit could combine these outfits' components to form the volcanic trapper outfit. This outfit gives superior benefits to those given by the other trapper outfits. Players gain the following bonuses from a volcanic trapper outfit:

  • 7% increased hunting success rate (as opposed to 5% with the other trapper outfits).
  • 5 teleports to Hunter locations per day (as opposed to 3 with the other trapper outfits)
  • 10% chance of double loot.
  • Can deploy an extra trap (increasing to a maximum of 6 traps placed simultaneously).
  • Increased conversion rate for Big Chinchompa reward points. (A maximum of 2250 points instead of 1500)
  • Chance to instantly deploy/pick up traps.
  • Chance of double loot from implings (up to 3 times per day).
  • Works as a Hunter's Catalyst fragment, if the player owns one.

Scentless potions[]

Scentless potions cause all traps laid by the player to act as if they have been smoked using a torch. Smoking a trap removes a player's scent from it, increasing the chance of a creature approaching it and being caught. Each dose of scentless potion lasts for 6 minutes.

Name GE price
 Scentless potion (1) 307
 Scentless potion (2) 618
 Scentless potion (3) 16,405
 Scentless potion (4) 18,445
 Scentless flask (6) 48,231

Tracker auras[]

Tracker auras increase a player's chance of catching a creature by a percentage while they are activated. These auras' effects last for one hour after they are activated. Players may use 5 or 10 vis wax to extend a tracker aura's activation time by 50% or 100% (costing 77,165 or 154,330). This effect must be applied before the aura is activated. Once a tracker aura has been used the player must wait 3 hours before using it again. Tracker auras can be bought using Membership loyalty points. All lower tiers of the aura must be owned before a higher tier aura can be purchased.

Tier Percentage chance of catching a creature increased by Loyalty point cost
Individual Cumulative
1 Tracker 3% 5,000 5,000
2 Greater tracker 5% 16,000 21,000
3 Master tracker 7% 29,000 50,000
4 Supreme tracker 10% 61,000 111,000
5 Legendary tracker 15% 119,000 230,000


Urns can be used to gain additional Hunter experience while training. When held in the inventory, urns are filled as the player hunts. Only base experience counts towards filling the urn. Full urns can be teleported away to receive additional experience. Only one urn is filled at a time, though players may own up to a total of 10 full urns. If a player owns 10 full hunter urns they must teleport at least 1 away before they can fill more urns. Urns are only tradeable in their (nr), non-runed, forms. In order to use a hunter urn the player must add a mud rune to it; this makes the urn untradeable.

Name Crafting level required to add mud rune GE price of non-runed urn Charges gained from Activities Experience required to fill Experience gained for teleporting
 Cracked hunter urn 3 702 Creatures up to and including level 11 1,100 220
 Fragile hunter urn 17 786 Creatures up to and including level 29 2,500 500
 Plain hunter urn 34 1,351 Creatures up to and including level 53 5,000 1,000
 Strong hunter urn 55 1,337 Creatures up to and including level 74 7,000 1,400
 Decorated hunter urn 79 3,723 Creatures up to and including level 99 8,000 1,600

Players who have at least level 24 Invention and who have completed Nomad's Elegy can discover how to make an urn enhancer. When in the player’s inventory the urn enhancer grants 25% additional experience for teleporting a full urn. This effect costs 20 charges from the player’s charge pack. Assuming the player purchases divine charges from the Grand Exchange, it would cost 804.55 to use the urn enhancer when teleporting an urn.

Summoning familiars[]

There are five Summoning familiars available which invisibly boost a player's Hunter level while they are summoned. This does not let a player access higher level content, but allows them to catch creatures more effectively. Players can choose to hide familiar options in the Gameplay tab of the Settings interface to prevent misclicking on a familiar while hunting.

Image Name GE cost of pouch Summoning level required Hunter levels boosted Familiar duration (minutes)
Spirit graahk 2,798 57 5 49
Spirit kyatt 3,005 57 5 49
Spirit larupia 2,851 57 5 49
Arctic bear 2,096 71 7 28
Wolpertinger 3,749 92 5 62

Seren spells and prayers[]

Access to Seren spells and prayers, which can be found in the ancient magicks and ancient curses spell and prayer books, is unlocked upon completing The Light Within quest. Crystallise requires level 88 Magic and 6 water, 6 fire, 6 chaos and 6 soul runes to cast. A shaking box trap that has been crystallised will be repeatedly checked upon being checked by the player, granting 50% additional experience each time though no resources will be gained. This effect lasts for 30 seconds after Crystallise has been cast; it is not possible to cast Crystallise on more than one trap at the same time. It is possible for a trap to fall apart while it is crystallised, if too much time has elapsed since it trapped its creature. If this happens, the player will be able to cast Crystallise again immediately. With level 80 Prayer, players can use the Light Form prayer, which enhances the effects of Seren-aligned spells while it is activated, to further increase additional the Hunter experience gained from checking a crystallised box trap to 87.5%.

Players will need to consume around 53 doses of prayer potion per hour, with level 99 Prayer, to maintain the prayer points required to keep Light Form activated. Use of prayer renewal or super prayer renewal potions can help to regain some prayer points. When training Hunter using Crystallise players may cast the spell around 120 times an hour, costing 1,210,320 in runes. This cost can be reduced by using staves to provide some of the required runes. Crystallise cannot be cast on marasamaw plants or on box traps while the player is within a private Hunter area. If catching creatures other than grenwalls while using Crystallise and Light Form players may wish to lay fewer box traps, as it is not possible to check traps as frequently while checking crystallised box traps. More experience can be gained by checking crystallised traps as often as possible, while using a smaller number of traps to ensure that a shaking trap is always available to be crystallised. At level 99 Hunter a player may gain around 221,000 experience an hour using Crystallise with 3 box traps at crimson skillchompas, as opposed to 167,500 experience an hour using 5 box traps without Crystallise.

Catalyst fragments[]

The Hunter's Catalyst fragment or Combined Catalyst fragment are obtained from completing the quest Sliske's Endgame. When equipped, it resets box trapsmagic boxesbird snares, and tortle traps when they fail to catch a creature.



See here to calculate how many creatures will be caught during training.

Levels Method Experience per hour Alternative methods
1-20 Feeding ogleroots to rabbits 10,000
20-27 Tropical wagtails 11,500
27-46 Cobalt skillchompas 30,000-40,000[1]
46-68 Viridian skillchompas 70,000-80,000[2]
68-77 Azure skillchompas 120,000-150,000[3]
77-96 Grenwalls using Crystallise Up to 471,500, with level 99 Hunter. Hunt amphibious jadinkos from level 77-80 Hunter, gaining 83,000 experience an hour.
Hunt Draconic jadinkos from level 80-88 Hunter. This gives around 100,000 experience an hour at level 80 Hunter and around 153,500 experience an hour at level 99.
Start hunting charming moths at level 88 Hunter for up to 230,000 experience an hour, at level 99
Start hunting crimson skillchompas at level 89 Hunter to gain up to 420,000 experience an hour, at level 99 Hunter[4].
96-99+ Ornate tortles Around 666,000 at level 99 Hunter Catch crystal skillchompas with level 97 Hunter, for up to 520,000 experience an hour at level 99[5].
  1. ^ with at least 42 Agility
  2. ^ with at least 64 Agility
  3. ^ with at least 81 Agility
  4. ^ with at least 94 Agility
  5. ^ with 99 Agility

Levels 1-20: feeding ogleroots to rabbits[]

At level 1 Hunter players should begin training by feeding ogleroots to rabbits within the Vinesweeper minigame. This gives approximately 10,000 experience an hour. However as only 4,470 experience is needed to achieve level 20 Hunter, it should take players with no previous experience of the skill approximately 27 minutes to achieve level 20. Players can travel to Vinesweeper by using the teleport option on any of the tool leprechauns found at farming patches throughout RuneScape. Upon arriving players can purchase ogleroots from Farmer Blinkin for 10 each. At most 149 ogleroots are needed to achieve levels 1-20 Hunter. Once the player has obtained some ogleroots, then they should climb over any of the stiles to enter the gameplay area. The gameplay area can contain up to 8 rabbits; simply click on them to feed them ogleroots and receive Hunter experience. Once a rabbit has been fed an ogleroot it will disappear, so players must change worlds (using the "join" option on any player added to their friends list or the "hop worlds" option in the options menu) after feeding all the rabbits present on one world in order to find more. Players with lower Agility levels may wish to bring energy potions to regain run energy.

Levels 20-27: tropical wagtails[]

With level 20 Hunter players can start hunting tropical wagtails, laying 2 bird snares at the same time. With level 20-27 Hunter players can gain approximately 11,500 experience an hour hunting tropical wagtails. Upon successfully catching a tropical wagtail players will receive bones, raw bird meat and stripy feathers. Tropical wagtails are located in the Feldip Hunter area; good places to catch them are located west and north-east of the lodestone. The best way to catch them easily is to place the snares close to their spawn points. Players can wear a jungle camo top (costing 693) and jungle camo legs (costing 985) to increase their success rate while hunting in this area.

Levels 27-46: cobalt skillchompas[]

Players with level 27 Hunter can begin to hunt cobalt skillchompas using box traps. This gives around 30,000 experience an hour while using 2 traps at level 27-40 Hunter. Once the player can use 3 traps, with level 40 or more Hunter, it gives around 40,000 experience an hour. Up to 4 skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level. From level 42 Agility, multiple are always caught. Once trapped, cobalt skillchompas become stackable items worth 668 each. Cobalt skillchompas are found at the Tree Gnome Stronghold Hunter area, which can be accessed via a shortcut, requiring level 19 Agility, north of the Grand Tree or by travelling south-west from the Barbarian Outpost.

Levels 46-68: viridian skillchompas[]

Once a player has achieved level 46 Hunter then they can begin to hunt viridian skillchompas using box traps. Up to 4 skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level. From level 64 Agility, multiple are always caught. 60,000-80,000 experience per hour is the base experience possible from these creatures. Successfully catching one of these creatures results in the player obtaining a stackable viridian skillchompa, worth 684 each. Viridian skillchompas can be caught at the Port Phasmatys Hunter area, which is found south of Port Phasmatys.

Levels 68-77: azure skillchompas[]

With at least level 68 Hunter players can hunt azure skillchompas to gain between 120,000 to 150,000 experience an hour. Azure skillchompas can be caught using box traps at the Rellekka Hunter area. Upon entering the area, head to the north-eastern part of the area and climb a set of stairs to get onto an iceberg, then climb the ladder just north of this entrance to get to the azure skillchompa hunting area. Up to 4 skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level. From level 81 Agility, multiple are always caught. Successfully catching one of these creatures results in the player obtaining a stackable azure skillchompa, worth 754 each. Players can wear polar camouflage gear or kyatt hunter gear to increase their success rate in catching creatures while hunting in this area. Both sets are tradeable, with polar camouflage gear costing a total of 32,217 to buy, and kyatt hunter gear costing a total of 16,713.

Levels 77-96: grenwalls using Crystallise[]

Hunting grenwalls using Crystallise

A player hunting grenwalls

Players who have at least level 77 Hunter can hunt grenwalls using box traps, after completing the Regicide quest to gain access to Isafdar. This requires access to Crystallise and Light Form as well as completion of the medium set of Tirannwn tasks, which allows players to trap grenwalls without bait. Upon successfully catching a grenwall players will always receive bones and 18-21 grenwall spikes, worth 994 each, and have a chance of receiving raw pawya meat and grimy herbs (up to grimy dwarf weed). It is useful to bring a bonecrusher and herbicide to convert some of the items received from hunting grenwalls into Prayer and Herblore experience. Use of demon horn, twisted bird skull, or split dragontooth necklace in addition to a bonecrusher can restore the player's prayer points, removing the need to bring prayer potions for the use of Light Form although Prayer Renewals may still be needed especially at lower levels. Using Crystallise when hunting grenwalls can give very high Hunter experience rates an hour at all levels (see below).

Grenwalls can be found in two locations: in the Gorajo resource dungeon in Prifddinas, requiring level 95 Dungeoneering, and just south of the Elf Camp. Both locations work well. Crystallised traps give experience immediately, but you can only get experience from them once every ten seconds. Thus, to get the best experience rates, you should check a crystallised trap every ten seconds and spend the rest of your time resetting fallen traps and checking and resetting non-crystallised traps. Try to keep track of which trap caught a grenwall the most recently and avoid checking that trap, so that when the currently crystallised trap despawns, you can crystallise another one (note that the 10-second cooldown carries between traps, so there's no point in casting Crystallise again if you just harvested). Ideally, each grenwall captured will give 3 experience drops with Crystallise and one xp drop without. Avoid casting Crystallise on the same trap twice, since the trap will collapse during the second Crystallise. Between experience drops, if there are no traps to collect or reset, you can do something else, such as disassemble noted items or fletch broad arrows. In the 10 seconds between experience drops, you can set/reset two traps, fletch 7 broad arrows, disassemble 7 items, or harvest and reset one trap. This method while less afk will grant much higher experience rates of more than 800.000 Hunter experience an hour at level 99.

Normally, laying a box trap takes 6 game ticks (3.6 seconds). If, however, you drink a potion and set the trap in the same tick, the trap will be set in just one tick. To avoid having to bring lots of potions, you can use a perfect plus potion which will allow you to use a perfect juju potion to one-tick with without actually consuming it. For those without perfect plus potions, you can achieve a similar effect with antipoison potions (while under the effect of a stronger antipoison e.g. Oo'glog spa or antipoison++).

Amphibious jadinkos (levels 77-80)[]

If the player does not have access to Crystallise then they can start hunting amphibious jadinkos at level 77 Hunter. With level 77-80 Hunter this gives approximately 83,000 experience an hour. Amphibious jadinkos can only be caught at the Herblore Habitat using marasamaw plants. Within this area players can attract and catch various types of jadinkos by planting different combinations of vine flowers, vine bushes and regular trees and by building different habitats at the patches located in the centre of the habitat. It is not necessary to wait until plants are fully grown to begin hunting, as jadinkos will begin to spawn (in the northern area) as soon as the required combination of factors is present. Vine bush and blossom seeds are untradeable and can be found by hunting jadinkos or by exchanging favour points. Favour points can be earned by slaying mutated jadinkos or woodcutting and firemaking roots in the Jadinko Lair and can be exchanged at the offering stone within this area. Vine blossom seeds can also be purchased from Papa Mambo for 50 each.

To attract amphibious jadinkos players must have at least level 61 Farming in order to plant a blue blossom seed and lergberry seed in the vine blossom and bush patches. Players must also build a pond habitat at the environmental feature patch. Players with at least level 65 Construction can build the pond habitat themselves, while players with less than level 65 Construction can pay Papa Mambo 65,000 to build a pond for them. With these items present, players will also attract and catch common jadinkos, as these jadinkos are attracted by the presence of any kind of blossom.

Upon successfully catching an amphibious jadinko the player will always obtain an oily vine and may also sometimes receive harvest heaven seeds or apple, orange or banana tree seeds. From catching common jadinkos, players will gain withered vines and may also obtain vine herb seeds, blossom seeds, vine bush seeds or harvest heaven seeds. Witchdoctor camouflage gear can be worn to increase the success rate in catching jadinkos while hunting at the Herblore Habitat. Additionally players can drink Zamorak's favour potions, which give a 10% increase in the base experience obtained while hunting jadinkos. Zamorak's favour potions are tradable and can bought from the Grand Exchange, with each dose of the potion lasting 6 minutes.

Image Name GE price
Zamorak's favour (1) 76
Zamorak's favour (2) 437
Zamorak's favour (3) 497
Zamorak's favour (4) 318

Draconic jadinkos (levels 80-88)[]

At level 80 Hunter players can catch draconic jadinkos. Players can gain around 100,000 experience an hour hunting draconic jadinkos with level 80 Hunter, and approximately 153,500 experience an hour hunting draconic jadinkos with level 99 Hunter. As with amphibious jadinkos, draconic jadinkos can only be hunted using marasamaw plants at the Herblore Habitat, once they have been attracted by the presence of a particular combination of plants and habitat.

To attract draconic jadinkos players must have at least level 61 Farming in order to plant a red blossom seed and lergberry seed in the vine blossom and vine bush patches. Players must also build a dark pit habitat at the environmental feature patch. Players with at least level 80 Construction can build the dark pit habitat themselves, while players with Construction level lower than 80 can pay Papa Mambo 80,000 to build a dark pit for them. After meeting these requirements the player will additionally need to use a dose of a juju hunter potion on their red vine blossom. Each dose of juju hunter potion lasts for 10 minutes; players will need to reapply a dose of potion to vine blossom patch every 10 minutes while they are hunting draconic jadinkos. Juju hunter potions are tradable and can be bought from the Grand Exchange. With these items present, players will also attract and catch common jadinkos, as these jadinkos are attracted by the presence of any kind of blossom.

Image Name GE price
Juju hunter potion (1) 2,871
Juju hunter potion (2) 5,158
Juju hunter potion (3) 10,056
Juju hunter potion (4) 16,379

Upon successfully catching a draconic jadinko the player will always obtain a draconic vine and may also sometimes receive vine herb seeds and harvest heaven seeds. From catching common jadinkos, players will gain withered vines and may also obtain vine herb seeds, blossom seeds, vine bush seeds or harvest heaven seeds. Witchdoctor camouflage gear can be worn to increase the success rate in catching jadinkos while hunting at the Herblore Habitat. Additionally players can drink Zamorak's favour potions, which give a 10% increase in the base experience obtained while hunting jadinkos. Zamorak's favour potions are tradable and can bought from the Grand Exchange, with each dose of the potion lasting 6 minutes.

Charming moths (levels 88-89)[]

Charming moth

A charming moth

With level 88 Hunter the player can begin to hunt charming moths. They are caught barehanded and level 83 Agility is also required to catch them. At level 99 Hunter a player can gain around 230,000 Hunter experience and 45,000 Agility experience an hour from hunting charming moths. As charming moths are located in the Wilderness it is possible to be attacked by other players whilst training at them. Death will result in loss of the player's items: players should not bring items that they are not willing to lose while training at charming moths.

Players can gain 20% additional Hunter experience if a demonic skull is equipped while hunting charming moths. When caught a charming moth gives either a crimson, gold, green or blue charm. Around 360 charms an hour can be obtained from hunting them at level 99.

If the player is not able to use Crystallise at grenwalls and does not wish to train the Wilderness then they can continue hunting draconic jadinkos until level 89 Hunter and then start hunting crimson skillchompas.

Crimson skillchompas (levels 89-96)[]

Hunting crimson skillchompas

A player hunting crimson skillchompas

From level 89 players can catch crimson skillchompas using box traps. Up to 4 skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level. From level 94 Agility, multiple are always caught. Players can gain around 420,000 experience an hour hunting crimson skillchompas with level 99 Hunter and Agility. These skillchompas can be caught at the Desert Quarry Hunter area, which is found south of the Desert Quarry. Players will gain at least one stackable crimson skillchompa, worth 1,337 each, each time that one of these creatures is successfully caught.

While hunting in this area players will lose life points every 90 seconds, due to dehydration from the desert heat. This can be avoided by using waterskins, equipping an enchanted water tiara if Dealing with Scabaras has been completed, completing Crocodile Tears quest for desert heat immunity or by using a regen braclet with a tome of frost to completely eliminate the need for water. Wearing desert camouflage gear or graahk hunter gear may increase the success rate in catching crimson skillchompas while hunting in this area. Graahk hunter gear can be created from graahk furs with at least level 38 Hunter, while the desert camo top and legs are tradable (costing 1,191 and 1,207) to buy.

Levels 96-99+: ornate tortles[]

At level 96 Hunter players can start hunting ornate tortles. Ornate tortles are a rare Hunter resource that can be found randomly on Uncharted Isles. Uncharted Isles can be explored from the The Arc region, which requires completion of the Impressing the Locals quest to access. Completion of the Flag Fall miniquest, which allows the player to claim an uncharted isle and return to it, is also required to hunt ornate tortles effectively. To find ornate tortles, the player must first gain some chimes - either from combat or skilling in the Arc; skilling often yields more chimes compared to combat activities. Supplies can be purchased from Rosie (supplies). When the player finds an Uncharted Isle inhabited by colonies of ornate tortles then they can claim the island using a claim island flag. Once an uncharted isle is claimed the player may return to it for the price of 3 supplies per voyage: 5 supplies can be claimed per day for free from the box next to Rosie. Up to 3 colonies of ornate tortles may be present on an Uncharted Isle, if the player opts to go on a long voyage.

Ornate tortles can be caught using tortle traps at level 96 Hunter and yield shiny shell chippings when they are trapped successfully. Each day the player may catch approximately 200-215 ornate tortles per colony before it is depleted. The daily cap resets at 00:00 UTC. Depleting one colony of ornate tortles takes around 30 minutes and gives around 333,000 experience. It is recommended to create shark soups if possible - while this may significantly slow down the time it takes to hunt tortles, they provide much more chimes compared to selling the chippings or bowls themselves. Purchasing the supplies cost reductions and commodity sell price increases unlocks from the Waiko Reward Shop, in addition to having a claimed island with as many ornate tortles colonies as possible, will further increase the viability of searching for ornate tortles to hunt continuously. At level 99 Hunter trapping ornate tortles gives an experience rate equivalent to around 666,000 experience an hour.

If players do not have enough chimes to sustain consistent ornate tortle hunting, then players should only hunt tortles on their claimed island until enough chimes are gained to obtain a large amount of supplies.

The experience from hunting ornate tortles can further be bolstered by completing contracts given by Sojobo (contracts) on Waiko or via a Contract contact on an uncharted isle. Players may complete up to 3 contracts daily, and may purchase upgrades from Boni for a maximum of 7 daily contracts. Doing contracts, however, requires chimes to be able to reroll contracts until satisfactory Hunter ones are assigned.

Crystal skillchompas (level 97-99+)[]

At level 97 Hunter players may wish to catch crystal skillchompas as an alternative to hunting ornate tortles as hunting them yields crystal skillchompa, which are stackable and worth 1,443 each. Thus, they are a good alternative for players who want money and/or do not want to deal with the hassle of finding new uncharted isles each time an Ornate tortle spot is depleted. There is a chance of catching multiple in a single trap, up to a maximum of four, with higher levels of Agility giving a better chance. At level 99 Agility there is a guaranteed chance of receiving multiple skillchompas from a single trap. Players can gain around 520,000 experience an hour hunting crystal skillchompas with level 99 Hunter and at least 700,000 experience an hour if they have 99 Agility as well. These skillchompas can be caught in Tirannwn, north of Tyras Camp.

Alternative methods of gaining experience[]

Completing quests[]

See here for a list of quests that grant Hunter experience on completion.

Big Chinchompa[]

Players can gain Hunter experience while taking part in the Big Chinchompa Distraction and Diversion. Up to 209,500 experience an hour can be gained with level 99 Hunter. Players can participate in this Distraction and Diversion a maximum of 2 times per day. Big Chinchompa takes place every hour, at half past the hour, when an entrance to the Big Chinchompa's cavern appears in one of several possible locations. Players can quickly travel to the cavern's entrance using Nyriki's portal which is located in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, south of the Gnome Agility Course. The portal may be used up to 3 times a day.

The aim of the Distraction and Diversion is to catch soporith moths and feed them to the large chinchompa, located in the centre of the room, to make it fall asleep. Upon entering the cavern, players will be given a moth jar which is required to store soporith moths. Simply run around the cavern and click on any soporith moth to add it to the moth jar. Players should also search for moths by checking the cocoon-laden branches in the arena, if the tree is currently shaking. Protea flowers can help players to catch more moths; as while they are wielded they will occasionally attract moths which a player's character automatically attempts to catch. Protea flowers can be picked from spawn points in the corners of the area. A player's Hunter level determines the types of moth that they spawn and are able to catch. A player may store up to 15 moths at a time in their moth jar. After catching 15 moths players must empty their moth jar into the pit which contains the big chinchompa, in the middle of the cavern. Depositing moths awards Hunter experience and competence points according to the Hunter level that is required to have caught the moths. Players may earn a maximum of 1,500 competence points each time that they play Big Chinchompa.

Image Colour Hunter level required Hunter experience per moth deposited Competence points per moth deposited
Red soporith moth 1 15 1
Orange soporith moth 13 50 2
Yellow soporith moth 26 150 5
Green soporith moth 39 250 8
Blue soporith moth 52 300 12
Purple soporith moth 65 320 15
Grey soporith moth 78 400 18
Black soporith moth 91 450 21

Depositing moths also increases the big chinchompa's drowsiness level, which is shown in a bar in the Distraction and Diversion's interface. The Distraction and Diversion will end either when 20 minutes have passed or if the big chinchompa reaches 100% drowsiness. The chinchompa's drowsiness increases each time that it eats the soporith moths that are emptied into its nest. If the player has moths remaining in their moth jar at the time that the game ends, then they will be awarded Hunter experience and competence points for the moths at the normal rate.

Private grenwall Hunter area[]

Hunting grenwalls at private grenwall hunter area

A player hunting in the private Hunter area

Players who have at least level 77 Hunter and who have unlocked the ability to access grenwall hunting areas in Isafdar, through completing the Regicide quest, can also hunt grenwalls within a private grenwall Hunter area. At least one grenwall quota ticket is needed in order to enter the grenwall portal, which is located in the south-eastern part of the Gnome Stronghold, to access the private area. Grenwall quota tickets can be purchased as a reward from the Big Chinchompa minigame, for 10 competence points per ticket. One quota ticket is used up each time that the player successfully catches a grenwall. Players may earn a maximum of 150 grenwall quota tickets, if they obtain the maximum 1,500 competence points, each time that they participate in Big Chinchompa.

Grenwalls are caught using box traps baited with pawya meat. Completion of the medium set of Tirannwn tasks is highly beneficial when hunting using this method, as this allows players to trap grenwalls without using bait. Unlike regular grenwall hunting spots, the private grenwall hunting area does not contain pawyas so players must leave the area to bank to obtain more pawya meat if they do not have this ability unlocked. The closest location at which players can bank is found north-west of the grenwall portal, within the Stronghold. Upon successfully catching a grenwall players will always receive bones and 18-21 grenwall spikes, worth 994 each, and have a chance of receiving raw pawya meat and grimy herbs (up to grimy dwarf weed). Players may find it useful to bring a bonecrusher and herbicide to convert some of the items received from hunting grenwalls into Prayer and Herblore experience.

With the medium Tirannwn tasks completed, players can gain around 310,000 experience an hour hunting grenwalls in the private hunter area with level 99 Hunter. They will also consume around 282 grenwall tickets an hour and obtain approximately 5,450 grenwall spikes, worth 5,417,300, as well as any herbs and seeds that are not destroyed.

Supply runs[]

Supply run start

The start of a supply run

Supply runs are a safe activity that take place on Mazcab every 12 hours (at midnight and noon game time). The activity begins with goebie supplies spawning at the supply rock near to Querci in Kanatah and is available until 25 minutes past the hour. Players may take up to 10 goebie supplies per day from the supply rock. Upon taking goebie supplies players become flagged for safe PvP and can be attacked by other players, with death resulting in the loss of all goebie supplies that the players are carrying. After obtaining goebie supplies players must travel north-west through the Nemi Forest to Otot, where the supplies may be exchanged for experience with Quercy. The player will be given a choice between two skills in which to gain experience: Agility or Crafting, Farming or Herblore and Hunter or Woodcutting. Different skills are offered on different worlds, so players may change worlds to find a world where the skill in which they wish to gain experience is offered.

Between 495, with level 1, and 48,515, with level 99, experience can be gained from exchanging 10 goebie supplies. Assuming the activity is completed in 5 minutes, experience is awarded at a rate equivalent to between 5,940, with level 1, and 582,180, with level 99, experience an hour.

Money making using the Hunter skill[]

Hunter money making guides
Method Profit Skill Experience